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Normani: We all know Dinah loves me more.

Lauren: No, I'm her laurenza, so she loves me more.

Camila: Well I'm her best friend for life and sometimes we're a little gay for each other, so she loves me more!

Lauren: ...

Normani: ...

Dinah: ...

Ally: God. God is a thing you all clearly don't have, but need.


Perrie: Wanna see pics of mine and Jade's dog?!

Leigh: No.

Perrie: Great! This is him playing. This is him sleeping. THIS IS HIM BEING THE CUTEST DOG EVER.


Camila: *In the driveway with Ally* Bye Lauren! Bye Cheechee! Bye Mani! Bye Lauren!

Ally: You said "Bye Lauren" twice.

Camila: I like Lauren.


Leigh: You need to react when people show emotions towards you Jessy!

Jessy: I did react. I rolled my eyes.


Dinah: So here we are...

Ally: All alone. What should we do?

Dinah: Definitely not make out.

Both: *Awkward laughter*

Dinah: *Grabs Ally's waist and pushes her against the wall*


Leigh: What talents could you possibly have?

Jade: I'm one of the few people who looks hot while eating a cupcake.

Perrie: *From a distance* AND WHILE EATING THIS PUSSY

Jade: That too.


Camila: *After being lost with Dinah for four hours* How did you find us?

Lauren: We saw a huge explosion and wondered "now, who could that be?"


Perrie: There's literally no ugly photo of Jade. She's always doing something cute. Even her falling down is cute.

Perrie: I bet even her mugshot will be cute.

Perrie: *Sighs* Jade's cute.


[While arguing]

Camila: Whatever! You're not even that pretty anyways!

Dinah: *Rolls her eyes and crosses her arms*


Camila: *Grabs Dinah's face and starts kissing her*


Perrie: *Does something really unhealthy or questionable*

Perrie: lol

Jade: *Does something unhealthy or questionable*

Perrie: Overprotective girlfriend mode activated.


Camila: Will you read to me?

Normani: *Sighs* Fine.

Camila: Will you do different voices for different characters?

Normani: *Is about to protest but sees Camila's face*

Normani: Fine.

Dinah: *From the other room* WHIPPED.


Jesy: Of course I care about and love my band members! They're the most important people in my life, nothing comes before them.

[Later that day]

Manager: The tour bus caught fire while you were away.

Jesy: Are my shoes okay though?


Someone: *Insults Camila*

Ally: *Takes off her flower crown* Lauren, hold my flower crown.

Lauren: Kick his ass mom!


[Playing scrabble]

Perrie: I will put my "A" down to make an "A".

Jesy: I will add onto your "A" and make it "AT".

Leigh: I will add onto your "AT" and make it "RAT".

Jade: I will add onto your "RAT" and make it "BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC".

Perrie: [flips the table]


Lauren: I swear Camila, sometimes I feel like you and Dinah are more of a couple than we are.

Camila: *While cuddling with Dinah on her bed and stroking her hair* I don't know what you're talking about.


"I don't like it when Jade sneezes, and someone tells her bless you. Like she's dating me, she's obviously blessed already."

- Perrie at some point.

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