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Austin: Oh please! You wouldn't hurt a fly!

Ally: You're right. Because a fly is an innocent creature who's never knowingly done anything bad. You whoever, I would maim.


Jesy: I can be understanding!

Leigh: Oh please.

Jesy: As long as everything goes my way, then I'm the most understanding person on the planet.

Leigh: My mistake.


Camila: Normani needs me here.

Ally: Why?

Camila: She likes to touch my butt.


Jesy: You're so predictable and always safe. Live a little! Spice it up!

Jade: I'm not predictable or safe! Look Perrie's shoes untied and I'm not even gonna bother to tie it.

Jesy: ...

Jade: ...

Jade: Actually I am. She could trip.


Dinah: I guarantee you one day, I'll be Lauren's second girlfriend.

Ally: What happened to her first girlfriend?

Dinah: Nothing you can prove.


Perrie: Do I have a thing for Jade? No way!


Perrie: Why did she say something?


Ally: *Exists*

Camila: So blessed. So moved. So grateful. Can't believe this is my life. Never going to take it for granted. Always going to give back. Thank you, Jesus.


Jade: I'm going to kill them...

Perrie: *Gasps excitedly*

Jade: ... With kindness.

Perrie: *Frowns*


Lauren: What's the most inspiring thing I've ever said to you?

Dinah: "Don't be an idiot", changed my life.


Jesy: I swing both ways...

Jesy: ... Violently. With a bat. Come get some mother fuckers!


Normani: How do you like your coffee?

Ally: As dark and bitter as my soul.

Normani: One vanilla coffee, with extra whipped cream and Carmel, coming up!


Perrie: I hate everything and everyone.

Jade: *Chokes up* E-Everyone?

Perrie: *Sighs* Everyone but you.


Ally: There will come a time when you will have the chance to do the right thing.

Dinah: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass me by.

Ally: ...

Dinah: *Smiling innocently*


Leigh to Jade: What did you do last night?

Perrie: *Walks in casually eating an apple* Me.

Leigh: I want a new band.


Simon: Alright, I haven't been here in awhile. So who's in charge here?

Lauren: Usually whoever yells the loudest.


Camila: It makes me happy when you're nice.

Normani: What does it make you when I'm not nice?

Camila: Wet.

Normani: *Faints*

Camila: diNAH I DID IT!


Jesy to the girls: Didn't realize you three were newspapers.

Jade: What??

Jesy: Because there's a new fucking issue with you guys every day.


Ally: *Watching the girls argue.*

Ally: I don't get paid enough for this.

Simon: For what?

Ally: *Gestures exasperatedly*


*At a police interrogation*

Perrie: Looking back, I have no regrets.

Officer: You should!

Perrie: Well I don't.

Officer: You liT A STORE ON FIRE.

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