Chapter One - How it started

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Chapter One - How it started

Y/n's pov

Walking down the halls of college random words were thrown at me. I understood why they thought of me the way they did. I didn't look like it, at all, but here I was, in college walking in shame, like always. Why was I walking in shame?

"Hey blood whore, why won't you give me some?"

That's why.

I was called a blood whore. Even the teachers would look at me in disappointment! I didn't have a choice though but to walk like this every single day. Bite marks visible nearly everywhere on my body. I tried to cover them all up by wearing high neckline shirts, long sleeved too and long jeans but they were still visible and they vampires here could smell all the other vampires on me. It was disgusting even for me, to walk like this.

But I didn't have a choice...

"Hey, blood whore, I was talking to you!" the vampire from before said as he pushed me roughly against the wall. I looked up from the floor to see him staring at me with that same glint in his eyes as the other before him had. He was smirking like he thought I was gonna say yes, giving him permission to drink from me. It was always him too. Can he just leave me alone. "Won't you let me take a bite, too?"

"No," I said to him, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his smirk still on his face. "Because you look like you want me to," his smirk grew wider if that was even possible, as his hand slid up my thigh. I slapped his hand away and looked at him with an angry glare.

"Yes, I'm sure! I won't allow you to drink from me," I said and got out from between him and the wall walking on.

"You'll say yes to me, some time!" he said to me, loudly as I was walking away. I shook my head as I ignored him and left college, slightly afraid to go home. I don't want to be the blood whore they think I am, but it's not like I can run away. I mean, what human could outrun a vampire, who can not only smell you but trace you since you are a family member. It's because of my dad that I became a blood whore, against my will might I add. And the only way I could get out of this is if I were a vampire's mate, but since I still am not as of now, I'll have to live with this.

Being a blood whore is a disgrace here in my town, in some bigger cities it's not too bad because there some would become a blood whore to earn money but here, it's nothing but a disgrace. It is understandable though. It's a disgrace because when a vampire drinks from you, it gives you intense pleasure. A pleasure that some humans get addicted too, which is why they are called blood whores. It seems innocent enough, but most vampires like to add a little something on their own to make it better for them too. While drinking from you, they like to touch you in pleasurable ways to make the blood taste sweeter than it originally is, and that's what makes being a blood whore a disgrace.

Since we know vampires tend to have human soul mates, we are taught to keep ourselves clean for our soul mate. It gives a vampire pride to know he or she is the first and only one to ever drink from their mate. Especially after they are mated, being mated puts some sort of collar around the human mates neck which is not seen by humans, but vampires only, this is a way that keeps vampires from drinking from them since they are not allowed to drink from mated humans. So as long as you are not mated you are kind of fair game to vampires, which is my problem right now.

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