Chapter Thirty-One - 4 Months

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Chapter Thirty-One - 4 Months

Y/n's Pov

"Okay so this week is going to be a busy week," Jungkook starts as we're sat in the living room, after dinner. "Tomorrow morning we're going to the hospital for some more check-ups and to get some results back." 

"What are we getting results of?" I ask cuddling into Taehyung on the couch, my head on his chest, his arms around me holding me close. When we came back from the bakery I didn't feel too great anymore and I need to lie down but I didn't want to go to bed, so we settled for the living room. Jimin and Jungkook sat on one couch while Taehying and I took the three seater couch, spread out over them.

"We're getting results about whether or not the spreading is curable and if so there will be more check-ups and tests to see what will work best."

"Okay so if it is curable, will I get chemotherapy?"

"I don't know, we'll have to wait and see," Jungkook sighs sitting back against the couch, dropping his head on Jimins' shoulder.

"I don't want to lose my hair," I mumble.

"We have some news," two doctors walked into the private lounge room we were sent too. We sat up instantly, my hand grabbing hold of Jungkooks. "But before we tell you that, I am Soomin and this is Jiwon," the female doctor said, so Soomin. 

"Okay, is the news good or bad?" Taehyung asked.

"Eh... A bit of both," Jiwon said shifting his hands up and down like a scale.

"So we found a cure, it's a pretty easy one but we'll have to keep you in the hospital for it. There are some... Bad side effects to it," Soomin says.

"What are the side effects?" I ask softly.

"Uh, well for one, you start to become forgetful, don't worry tho, it only lasts for the duration of the treatment. And in some cases, people will forget their mate which in the end doesn't only hurt the mate but the patient as well. The patients' personality could change severely you might not even recognize them as the one you know today. And for those reasons we would like to keep her in a separate room with no contact with her mates, so you three."

"For how long will I have to be alone?" I mumble as I wrap my arms around Jungkooks bicep.

"We hope for it to be no longer than 4 months," Jiwon says. "But we want to start quick and I know this must feel rushed but the sooner you start the sooner you'll be healthy."

"Well give you some time to think about it, and come back later," Soomin said with a sympathetic smile and gets up to leave with Jiwon.

"We won't get to celebrate our anniversary together then," I whisper once the door closes looking down at my feet, tears forming in my eyes. Jungkook wraps his arms around me kissing my head, softly stroking my back.

"It's alright, we'll have a ton more anniversaries when you're healthy again," he says squeezing me tightly in his arms. I shove my face in his neck, wrapping my arms around his middle.

"But it's our first year together," I mumble, sniffing a little. "For you guys, it might be just an anniversary because you guys have already had a lot, but not for me," I lower my voice into a whisper along with the words. "You guys mean the world to me, I don't want to be alone on our anniversary, I don't want to forget our anniversary, I don't want to forget you guys, I don't want change into a different person even if it only lasts for the length of the treatment. I've never had an anniversary before, and I really want to celebrate it with you guys."

I could tell they wanted to respond to my paragraph but the doctors came back already and asked when we wanted to start. I spoke asking them if right away was alright, the smiled brightly encouraging me I made the right choice to start right away.

In a hurry, everything was set up and I was set in a room where I would be staying for the next four months. I was lucky hade a computer in the room, which they told me, I was allowed to use for as long as I'll stay. Because I would be alone in the room there was one single hospital bed, neatly set up, a door to the bathroom on the left of the "front" door and a tiny kitchen area next to the bathroom, facing the side of my bed with about 2 meters between it.

It looked kinda homey if I had to be honest. The only thing giving away that it wasn't was the hospital bed with all the equipment needed.

"So this is where you'll stay for the time being," Soomin said gesturing around. "We will let you guys so goodbye and if there is anything you need, I'll be just outside the door," she smiles sweetly before leaving the room.

"Are you sure you want to start now?" Jimin asks, taking hold of my hand to grab my attention, as I was looking out the window. 

"Yeah, it's for the best I guess," I let out a sigh and turn around to face them. Taehyung holds onto Jungkooks arm as if it's giving him the strength not to cry. Tho, as our eyes connect, I notice a tear slowly leaving his eye. "It's gonna be tough but I want to be healthy, and I guess I'll miss our first anniversary but yeah, we'll have more," I smile sadly squeezing Jimins hand. "I'll keep hoping and maybe I'll be healthier quicker." 

"We'll be waiting patiently for you," Jungkook says as he and Taehyung walk closer. Letting go of Taehyung for a second he comes over to me, cupping my face, gently placing his lips on mine. The air is filled with passion and love. As soon as Jungkook lets go and steps back his place is taken by Jimin. He pecks my nose sweetly, getting me to giggle slight, before pressing his plumb lips on mine, his thumbs gently stroking my cheeks. Taehyung, on the other hand, brings me in for a tight hug, shoving his face in my neck, giving me gently kiss there. I start giggling when he suddenly attacks my whole face with kisses. My arms tightly wrapped around his necks I pull him closer and claim his lips as mine, a smile, not only on my face but also on his. Tho there is sadness behind our smiles, we say goodbye and hope to see each other sooner rather than later.

Third person

"Can I ask you something?" They ask someone. 

"Of course, what can I help you with?" The reply with a smile on their face.

"Could you make something happen for me?" They continue. "It would do me a huge favour, I know it might be impossible, but I'll pay you. Would you do this for me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Something just needs to happen and I can't make it happen from here, I need your help, but as I've said I'll pay you if needed."

"How much are you willing to offer for this task?" 

"Name a price."

"Alright, let's discuss this in my office and then I'll tell you my price."


I hope you guys enjoyed it, and please tell me what you think, tell me your thoughts!

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