Chapter Thirty - Parents

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Chapter Thirty - Parents

Y/n's Pov

Taehyung didn't know what to say, I could tell from the way his eyebrows got together.

"So, you lied to me," he says after a while.

"I did it to protect you though," Jungkook said, not denying nor confirming Taehyungs question.

"But you still lied to me."

"Half, I did feel like you needed rest, and Jin Hyung did too," he says taking Taehyungs hand, softly stroking the top of his hand.

"I want to see them," it didn't only shock me but Jungkook as well. Taehyung, our scardy-cat Tae wanted to see his parents after they've thrown him out. I know I suggested it before but I didn't expect Taehyung to want to go himself o thought it would take a bit more persuading.

"Are you sure?" I ask to make sure he's not jumping to conclusions.

"Yeah, I want to see them," he says again with a slight smile on his face. "I want them to know that they can't hurt me anymore because I have my mates," he smiled warmly at us which brought a smile to my face as well.

The next morning we went to the doctors where I had to go through lots of tests again. Which we would get the results from on Friday. It would tell us if there was a cure for me, if not with the help of the other doctor I would change into a vampire.

So as the tests were getting examined we sat in the office of Mr Song. The human to vampire expert.

"Okay, I hope you're ready for some information," we nodded, 8 ears hear more than 2. "So, when it comes to the transformation there are a few things you need to know."

"The first thing that's important is, there is never a 100% reassurance that the transformation will work," he said, making sure we all got what he said. "9 out of 10 times it will work but for it to work it depends on the body and the mind. If your body can't handle the poison going through, then we need to bring you to the ER and try to either get your body to accept it or to get the poison out of you."

"But like I've said it's a slight chance, plus you seem to be a fighter, I'm sure your body will accept it," I smiled slightly, hoping that indeed my body would accept it. Taehyung, on the other hand, held onto my hand so tightly.

"Onto actually becoming one, your first few weeks are going to be tough, your senses will be better which could mean someone saying something to you might seem like screaming, but that is something you have to get used to, same goes to smell and sight."

"Of course, we advise to not leave the house for a few weeks, so until you feel comfortable enough to leave the house. One of the reason is because of the bloodthirst you'll be going through. Your mates will have to teach you how to drink and how to control it since it's going to be hard at first."

"Alright, do you have any questions?"

"Yes, uhm, can we still have children?" Jungkook asks.

"We're going to have to check that after the transformation is successful, if not we will give you a folder from adoption centres nearby."

"Alright, thank you for your time," Jimin said.

"No problem, if you have any more questions don't be afraid to call," with that we leave the office.

"Let's go meet your parents," I said taking hold of Taehyungs hand with a reassuring smile.

"Ah, I actually thought about it," he says. "I don't want you to meet them," I looked at him with worried eyes, a hint of hurt in them.

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