Chapter Twenty-Five - Emotions

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Shorter chapter! I am so sorry for the long wait, I had an idea thanks to @kitty_of_the_poodles and with their help, I knew what to write but I couldn't place the right feelings to it. So once again I'm sorry it's shorter than my other chapters but I didn't want to make you wait any longer than this 😓I hope you like it.

Warning: Feels

Chapter Twenty-Five - Emotions

Jimin's pov

I said bye to Yoongi hyung as I left the office, happy that I could go home early today, having worked extra hard since today was a special day. He smirked at me and waved me off. Quickly going to the parking lot in the basement. Getting into my golden-brown Opel Corsa, and driving to the FVD, to pick up Jungkook.

After picking up Jungkook we're gonna pick up Taehyung from the bakery and head to 'our' hotel for this special day. Parking in front of the building, I see Jungkook basically run out of the door to the car. I had my window open and he quite literally jumped through it with his upper body connecting our lips. "Hello to you too," I chuckled as he pulled away and moved around the car and got in."Hi, Jiminie," he smiled. I chuckled once more and started the car to go to the bakery, where Taehyung was already waiting outside. "Hello dear Tae," I said through the open window. He looked up from his phone, smiling brightly and getting into the back seat. "Happy Anniversary!" Taehyung giggled, he leaned over, pecking both our cheeks before sitting correctly and putting on his seatbelt.


Y/n's pov

Since I got kinda bored being home alone I decided to go the bakery hoping to see Taehyung and Eun-Ji. Opening the door with a smile on my face I entered the bakery that had a delicious smell hanging in the air.

"Hello!" I said excitedly as I closed the door behind me, expecting to hear Taehyungs voice, instead, hearing a confused Jin.

"Y/n?" I turned towards him just as confused.

"Where is Taehyung?" I asked at the same time as he asked. "What are you doing here?" he walked towards me from behind the counter. "I thought you went away for the day for your anniversary?"

"Anniversary? I don't have an anniversary," If I could look any more confused I would pull that face right now.

I slid into an empty booth trying to figure what to think at this moment. "I thought Taehyung had to work late today?"

"No, he asked if he could go home early for his anniversary, so of course I said he could," Jin said like it was obvious. "I didn't wanna take your anniversary away, you know?"

"I understand but it's not our anniversary, our anniversary is in a few months," feeling slightly sad I looked down at the table putting my head in my hands, thinking of anything that could make this situation any different. "Maybe he thought it was our anniversary and planned something," I mumble.

"I don't think so, Y/n," Jin said with a sigh. "I saw him leave with Jimin and Jungkook," I let out a sigh and nod.

"I'll just go back home, maybe they wanted to surprise me," the sentence was more a question than a statement but I let it slide as I got out of the booth saying a short by to Jin, telling him to say 'hi' from me to Eun-Ji.

Walking away from the bakery back home, it felt like everything turned grey and I could see colour anymore. I really hoped it were just my emotions acting up and not me actually feeling jealous.

I tried to think of anything that could make me feel better and the hope that they were actually home waiting for me, filled me with hope.

Hope wasn't with me tho, as halfway through the walk it started raining cats and dogs from the grey sky, that caused my vision to no longer see colour. Of course, not having looked at the news since it looked nice and warm outside - which it was - I was soaking wet when I reached home. And as if today couldn't be any disappointing for me, there was only one car in the driveway, indicating that they weren't home. And probably wouldn't get home anytime soon.

Blaming, my cheeks being wet, on the rain, knowing fully well that I was actually crying, I went inside, locking the door behind me. I felt better knowing that I was I silent crier, not having woken up Soonshim or Seul-Gi, who were cuddling on Soonshims bed in the living room.

Going into the kitchen, I made myself tea, before deciding to go upstairs and change my wet clothes.

I set the cup down on the window sill next to the closet, looking outside for a second, as if hoping to see a certain golden-brown Opel Corsa. It's not there of course, but the rain is. I let out a sigh and turn myself to the closet, I open it up, taking one of Jungkooks sweater out of automatism, before I realize what I'm doing and quickly putting it back, grabbing my own sweater along with sweatpants. I close the door with a slight slam, grabbing my cup and going into the bathroom.

I place the clothes on the closed toilet, looking at myself in the mirror. "I'm so pathetic, why am I still crying, I have no reason to cry!" I scold myself, looking away. I notice the bag we took from my dad's house in the bedroom, remembering my moms' picture, I abandon the bathroom, grabbing the bag that was peeking out from under the bed. Looking through the bag, I find my moms' picture along with my old phone. I place the phone on the bed as I place myself down on the ground, leaning against the bed, stroking my thumb over her cheek in the picture.

"Hey mom," my voice quivers as more tears seem to form. "I-... I've got g-good news," I pause looking at my surroundings for a second, licking my lips to help me stop from crying, not that it's working. "I'm away from dad, a-and," I take a deep breath as I stare at mom. "I found my mates," I smile at the picture, there was true happiness behind my words but it was hard for me to show them. I pause again, letting the words sink down, pretending she was actually here with me, hearing her ask 'mates?', I nod. "Yeah, I got three, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, I love them, mom," I smile again. "I never thought I would be able to say that about anyone besides you," another deep breath. 'I'm so proud of you, Honey,' she smiles at me, stroking my cheek with her thumb softly, wiping away the tears. 'What's wrong dear, why are you crying?'. "I don't know what to think at the moment...," looking up like I'm looking into her eyes. "T-They are g-gone, f-for an an-annie-anniversary," taking a breath, almost choking on a sob. 'Honey, I'm guessing they met before they met you, am I right?' I nod. 'Then they have a separate anniversary as well, don't they? They've been together for a few years haven't they?' I nod again. 'Even though you are mates together, you've met and started dating at different times, just like any other couple, you have anniversaries, like when Jungkook and Jimin started dating before they met you and Taehyung, that's their anniversary. So please don't feel sad, my dear. I know they love you very much,' she smiles, giving my forehead a peck. "I-I don't get w-why they d-didn't tell me tho," I manage to say while choking on another sob. 'Maybe they didn't wanna hurt your feelings, thinking that not telling you at all would be better than leaving you out on a date,' she suggests, wrapping her arms around me into a hug, cuddling me close. 'Don't be mad at them for a small mistake like this, okay, Honey?' I nod, closing my eyes in her hold. 'Good, now go take a bath we wouldn't want you to get sick right?' I hear her giggle which warms my heart, making my nod again with a giggle. My arms close in on myself before I open my eyes and see the picture frame on the ground next to me in the dark bedroom.

I take a breath, wiping away the tears that were left on my cheeks before standing up and going back into the bathroom. I turn on the hot water to fill the tub, putting in a vanilla rose bath bomb. I take off my clothes, throwing them in the hamper before getting in and letting the warmth consume me.

A soft smile plays on my lips as I lean my head back, closing my eyes as I whisper, "Thank you, mom".

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