Chapter Twelve - Cupcakes and "Dates" P2

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Chapter Twelve - Cupcakes and "Dates" P2

Y/n's pov

I got in the car panting which shocked Jungkook slight. "are you okay? why would you run?"

"I'm fine, just didn't want to let you wait," I struggle to answer while trying to catch my breath. "Here, this is for you," I hand him the box with his cupcake and lean back into my seat to finally catch my breath.

"Got me a present for all the times I helped you grab things from the top shelf?" he asks in a teasing voice, I smiled slightly as I hit him softly on his arm.

"Just open it," I said crossing my arms, containing my smile.

"Alright, alright," he chuckles and starts to open the small box. I look out the window looking at Eun-Ji and Yoongi's house which we were still parked in front of. I didn't want him to see my blush while he opened the box. "Y/n?" I 'hmm'ed in acknowledgement. "Look at me," I stayed still for a few seconds before I slowly turned my head to come face to face with Jungkook who quickly pecked my lips. "Cutie," he says once he sees my dark red cheeks and starts to drive to the grocery store.

"No, I'm not," I mumble pouting my lip slightly making Jungkook chuckle and grab hold of my hand squeezing it lightly.

"Yes, you are, especially for making me a cupcake."

"I just... I wanted to make one for you since you've been so nice to me from the beginning," I mumble looking at our hands in my lap. I can't help but smile at his much larger hand holding my small one.

"Why wouldn't I be nice to you? You've been nice to me too," he answers with a question.

"Because I looked like a blood whore... " I mumble again and start playing with his hand, touching every vein and playing with his fingers.

"You know I don't care about that, you were beautiful then and you are beautiful now," he guides my hand to his lips and pecks it sweetly nearly making me melt in my seat. He's so cheesy right now.

He parks the car in the parking lot of the grocery store and hand in hand we walk the same route we've always walked with one cart this time. He, of course, grabs things from the top shelf for me and teases me every once and a while, this time making up for them by placing gentle pecks on my forehead, cheeks, lips or on my head. I felt so happy holding his hand and him being affectionate towards me I could just burst.

"Thank you for the cupcake, Y/n," he says once we walk out of the grocery store, him carrying most bags.

"It's nothing," I smile shrugging it off.

"I might just have to ask you to make them more often," he grins at me before he places the bags into the back of the car.

"Maybe I will," I smiled getting into the passenger seat. I put on my seat belt and wait for Jungkook to get in the car as well.

"Make more than one please," he says as he gets in still smiling.

"Alright, I will. Got any specific flavour you would want?" I ask while he starts the car and drives away from the grocery store.

"Not really, anything is fine, as long as you are the one who makes them," he gives me a sly smirk before returning his focus to the road. I giggle at the look and nod taking note of that in my mind.

He stops in front of Eun-Ji and Yoongi's house. "Enjoy your cupcake and I'll see you next Friday," I smile at him and unbuckle my seatbelt, grabbing hold of the door handle.

"Wait," I turn to look at him again and he quickly closes the distance between us. Kissing me softly. I smile slightly into the kiss and return it. It was short but passionate which makes me smile even more. When we pull away I peck his cheek and leave the car with one last bye and a wave and get inside the house with the groceries.

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