Epilogue part 5

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Part 5

Third person

Hana was happy to stay home with her parents. Being very close to them gave her a hard to with going elsewhere. Some might call her childish for still having such a strong relationships with her parents but she didn't care about it. As long as her friends accepted her for who she was and hopefully her mate too, or well mates.

On the night of their birthday Hana found out she had 3 mates. She was so excited especially because of her parents. They had such a loving relationship with the 4 of them. She hoped the same kind of relationship with her mates. She didn't want to assume their genders so for now she just called them:

Minty, Woody and Shotty.

Minty because one of her mates scent was very mint like but not precisely, there was something else to it, she just couldn't place it.

Woody because one of her mates scent reminded her of the woods and just nature in general.

And Shotty because the scent was just like her favourite alcoholic drink. Which was a fruity shot. She didn't drink very often, but when she did it was that drink.

Now a few years later all she wanted was to meet them already. Knowing she was the youngest had her giggling like crazy. She would ramble on and on about her dreams and thoughts of her mates to her parents. Making up scenario's of how she would meet them.

She never thought she would meet them the way she did. Hana was in the grocery store on request of her mom. Looking through the spices she tried to find the spices her mom wanted. Mumbling to herself about how they shouldn't hide spices so well. Finally her eyes caught the spice she wanted. "Fucking finally," she said, reaching out to grab it. Realising as she reached further and further that she was to short to reach the top shelf. Gasping as a memory popped up. Looking around her, sniffing the air slightly, a pout formed on her lips. "Guess I won't be meeting my mate like mom," she mumbled, turning her attention back to the spices. She started hopping to try and get them. Huffing when even then she couldn't get them. Being so focused on getting the spices she didn't notice the woodsy scent around her.

Squeaking when someone suddenly opened her legs wider. "What are you-" she started, only to squeak again when a girls head popped between her legs and she was lifted up in the air. As she looked down at the tall black haired girl, their eyes locking on each other. Hana got lost in those beautiful earmeld eyes. The forst like scent hitting her hard. "Woody," she said in excitement.

"Come on, grab those spices," Woody said with a grin. Blushing a little she turned to the spices and grabbed the one she needed. Woody gently and carefully set Hana back on the ground. Hana had to look pretty far up as Woody was at least a head taller.

"Thank you, Woody," she said blushing quickly after as she realized she called her Woody again. Woody chuckled and pulled Hana in her embrace.

"Hey Lilly," she said with a grin, pecking Hana's cheek to make the blush on Hana's cheeks darker. "My name is Jina," she introduces herself. Wrapping her arm around Hana's waist. Hana couldn't help but swoon at everything Jina did. They only just met and she felt so tiny and overpowered by Jina, but she loved it so much.

"I'm Hana," she introduced herself, blushing a deep shade of red.

"Hana, there's a new worker coming in, would you mind teaching him the ropes?" Jin asked her as she walked through the back door. With the help of Y/n and Taehyung, Hana was able to get a job at Jins bakery. Mostly on the weekends because of college.

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