Chapter Seventeen - It's time (M)

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Chapter Seventeen - It's time

Y/n's pov

A/N: this chapter contains mature content. Read at your own risk. Warning its very cringy

I was really nervous when I woke up again and found myself in their bed. I mean I have just mated with one of them and left the rest out. And they deserve it too. But like I felt like Taehyung needed to know that I trust him with my whole heart in that moment. I hope that they won't get angry with me for doing so.

"Are you awake?" I hear Taehyung in my mind. Yes. I guess my voice sounded cracked in my mind because within seconds Taehyung was sat next to me on the bed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just scared," I mumble. "I'm afraid to see Jungkook and Jimin now because I feel like I left them out," I look down at the duvet while I speak. Pulling it closer towards me.

"You don't have to be afraid, I explained to them what happened and they'll wait for you to give them the okay."

"So they weren't mad right?"

"No, a little disappointed yes, but that's because in this kind of situation someone has to be the first and yeah it's disappointing if that's not you, you know," I nod my head.

"Can I wear one of Jungkooks shirts and Jimins sweatpants?" I ask him and before he can raise an eyebrow I continue. "I wanna show them that I do love them as much as I love you."

"You're so sweet Jagi," Taehyung chuckles pecking my cheek before standing up and grabbing the items I asked for from the closet. "Will you come down after you change?" I nod my head and watch him leave the room before I change into Jimins soft sweatpants and Jungkooks big white shirt. I instantly feel warm and a smile makes its way on my face.

I walk out the room like I am sneaking around the house. I creep down the stairs this time there is no Kookie in the kitchen. I look around the corner and notice that the TV is on, and I see three pairs of legs sticking out. I took a breath and braced myself before I took the first step towards the living room.

I walk up to them and give each a peck on the cheek like I always would before I make a move to sit on the couch. But Jungkooks arms slip around my waist that pull me into his lap.

"Hi Kookie," I giggle. Jimin takes hold of my legs and places them over his legs. Now I was sitting with my back against the armrest, also leaning against Jungkook with my legs on Jimins lap which he placed both his hands on. I reach forward and grab one of his hands. "You're not angry with me, are you?" I ask them, nervously playing with Jimins fingers.

"Of course not," Jimin says leaning towards me and pecking my lips. I blush a little hiding my face in Jungkooks neck, he chuckles tightening his arms around me.

"I won't let you wait too long, I promise," I mumble my eyes closing again. Still tired from yesterday's events.

About a two weeks later Jungkook and I were cuddling in their bed, I had stayed the night at their place again. But Taehyung and Jimin weren't in the bed.

"Where are Tae and Jiminie?" I ask him after I yawned.

"Jimin had to go to an emergency meeting at work and Taehyung is walking with Soonshim," he says turning his head up to me. I try to sit up but he pulls me back down onto his chest, making me giggle.

"What are you doing?" I ask still giggling, I move upwards a bit and lean my elbows on his chest so that my head is hanging above his and that I can look into his beautiful chocolate eyes.

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