Epilogue Part 2

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I did a little naughty for this one (not as in smut just relationship wise so bare with me)



Part 2

Third person

One year later it was the twins 16th birthday. Y/n along with Taehyung made the twins a big red velvet cake.

"Wake up Twinsies," Jungkook said waking up the twins. The two were still very close for 16-year-old twins. Even though there is more than enough room for the twins to have separate rooms. They didn't want that. They did have separate beds tho.

"You should let us sleep in on our birthday," Hyuntae said whining a little. Jungkook chuckled shaking his head.

"Alright, fine, just know guests will be coming around three," He said then left closing the door behind him.

"How do we tell them," Eunbi asked softly as she cuddled more into Hyuntae.

"I don't know," Hyuntae spoke with a sigh. He pecked his sister and mate on her head. Yes, you read that right. During the night Eunbi woke up from a nightmare.  This had woken up Hyuntae. Hyuntae worried about his sister invited her into his bed.

It already being the day of their birthday. They took a nap together, both having the dream of their mates. Eunbi recognizing the warm chocolate milk smell that reminded her of his addiction to hot chocolate. While Hyuntae recognized the cherry blossom smell from Eunbi's favourite perfume. Along with tha,t there was a deep musky smell. Even if it seems weird, it seemed to happen pretty often for twins, triplets, etcetera to have the same mate. For them, it wasn't really a problem. The two had been close their entire life. They even shared their first kiss together two years ago.

"Do you think they'll throw us out?" Eunbi asked. Tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of having to leave her family. Little did they know not only Jungkook had heard them but Y/n too. Y/n was about to phase into their room to wish them a happy birthday. Jungkook hadn't walked too far away when he heard Eunbi talking.

Phasing back out of the room she stopped at Jungkooks feet. Looking up at him with worry.

"I can't believe my own kids are mates to each other," Jungkook said in shock of what he just heard.

"I know, but we accept them, don't we?" Y/n asked Jungkook to make sure they were on the same page.

"Of course we do," Jungkook said. "I know it's pretty common I just never expected it to happen to our kids," he explained in shock.

It took them two years to tell their parents. When they moved out to go to college is when they told them. Hesitant and shy. Very surprised with how accepting they were about it.

"You-... You're not going to throw us out?" Eunbi asked surprised with tears in her eyes.

"Of course not," Y'n said with a pout pulling her in for a hug. "It's common and natural, mates are mates," she explains.

"You know, I was wondering when you were going to tell me," she whispered into Eunbi's ear, cupping her face and giving her an Eskimo kiss. Eunbi's eyes widened. How do moms always know!?

"I'm sorry mom," she mumbled pouting. 

"It's alright, just know we would never throw you out, alright," Eunbi nods before hugging her and her dads. Then getting into the car. Hyuntae hugged his mom and dads thanking them before getting into the are too. Waving bye he started the car and drove off.

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