Chapter Twenty-Nine Living forever

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Chapter Twenty-Nine Living forever

Y/n's Pov

We all sat on the bed again, I was smiling but the looks on my mate's faces made it disappear quicker than it appeared. Taehyung looked like he was about to burst out into tears, Jungkook was staring with a blank stare his hand holding Taehyungs to keep him from crying. I looked over at Jimin who had a tight grip on my hand as if I were to disappear into thin air.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"There is something we need to talk to you about," Jimin says slowly, not looking up at me. He haves a sigh before continuing, his thumb stroking over the top of my hand. "What have the doctors told you about the surgery?"

"They just told me that whatever was harming had been removed, They haven't told me what they removed," I answer honestly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, they removed a tumour from your abdomen," Jimin says, giving my hand a squeeze at the word tumour. My eyes widen in shock, confusion taking over my thoughts. I had a tumour? Since when? My confusion and shock only grew more along with panic and Jimin continued his story.

I understood why they looked so worried about me now... I am dying. And I'm not even feeling it, at least not anymore.

"We have to go to the hospital Wednesday for a checkup and they will determine if there is a cure," Jungkook spoke this time, slowly lifting his eyes to look at me, his waterline filled with tears. "If there isn't then you'll die in most likely a few months."

"I don't want to die," is the first thing I say after a few seconds of silence. "I only just found you guys," I continue. In my head I felt like crying but nothing came out, I felt so emotionless. I'm going to die, I don't even have kids yet, I didn't finish my education and most of all I didn't make my mom proud.

"We don't want to lose you either," Jimin spoke. "That's why we need to discuss this now. If, I repeat, if there is no cure, would you consider becoming a vampire in order to stay with us, without any health issues?"

I don't know...

Would I want to become something that I've hated basically my whole life and only started accepting when I found my mates?

But then again they are my mates, I would never want them to go through life while missing someone again.

With that thought I realize something else, I've never even met my mates' parents!

I might even die before meeting my mates' parents.

Why does everything have to go bad, I thought things would finally be normal, I would be able to live happily ever after with my mates.

I don't even know if I can have kids when I'm a vampire, born vampires have no problem but being bitten en changed can mess up a female's uterus in the process.

I voice my thought out loud, "Will we still be able to have kids if I become a vampire?"

"We're gonna have to ask the doctor that, he's a doctor who specialises in Human to Vampire transformations, he'll be at the check-up appointment too," Jungkook explains. "But even if we can't get our kids the natural way, we won't love you any less, we'll give the same amount of love we would give our kids as a kid we'll adopt, alright," I nod tears finally falling from my eyes and onto my cheeks, Jungkook notices and pulls me into his embrace, my head in his chest, one hand on the back of my head petting me the other softly stroking my back as he mumbles sweet things to me.

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