Chapter Two - Staying over

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Chapter Two - Staying over

Y/n's pov

"Did you have fun with Jae-Hyung last night?" dad asked in the morning when I came downstairs. He was wearing his evil smirk again as he ate and stared at me.

"No, I did not, dad," I mumble, grabbing some food before I hurried out of the place I call home. Getting on my bicycle I went to college, being way too early of course.

When I see college coming into view a small smile appears on my lips. Sure I was treated bad here too, but it was so much better than being home where Jae-Hyung could manipulate me into letting him drink from me.

I parked my bike and went inside. I went straight to the LC, learning centre. The LC is like a library, you have to be silent but all the books are replaced with computers and regular desks. Taking my seat at a desk I take out my laptop and start doing the homework I couldn't do Yesterday because of Jae-Hyun. Thank God not having friends gave me time to learn more so I finished my homework quickly. I let out a sigh after packing my stuff in again. I didn't know what to do now, so I just sat there looking out the window leaning my head on my hand. Without realizing I start stroking over Jae-Hyun's recent bite mark. It doesn't hurt luckily but instead, it makes me hear his voice when he told me to give him permission.

"Hey blood whore, you're early!" I heard from behind me. No! Not this guy again! I ignore him and just stay seated. "Blood whore, why do you always ignore me?" he asked in a whiney voice as he sat next to me, making me turn to him. I just roll my eyes mentally and get his hands off of me.

"Don't touch me," I tell him before I get up from my seat, grabbing my bag from the floor and walking away.

"Blood whore, don't walk away from me," he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to face him.

"Let go of me!"

"No, I'll only let go if you answer this question," I hesitated but nodded slowly. "Will you let me drink from you?" he asked with a slight smirk as if he thought I was going to say yes. He really is an idiot to think I was going to say-


What!? What the hell happened!? I didn't say that!

"I knew you were going to say yes," his smirk widened as he moved closer.

"No! I didn't mean to say that! Let me go!" I rambled as I tried to get out of his grip but he only held on tighter as he moved closer and closer to me.

"Too late now," he said before he sunk his teeth into my neck.

"No, no, let me go, please," I started begging as I started to feel the pleasure run through me. "Please, I don't want this," tears started to well in my eyes. "Please," he only drank more the more I begged him to stop. I felt his smirk on my skin which made me feel even more disgusted than when Jae-Hyun drank from me. At least Jae-Hyun drank from me in private. I didn't want to look up over his shoulder as I heard there were students here now and a tear left my eye rolling down my cheek.

When he finally let go, I pushed him away and ran away from the LC to the girls' bathroom. I heard people talking as I ran by them. I didn't know who they were since my tears blurred out my vision from identifying them, not that I knew everyone by name.

I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. Closing the lid of the toilet I sat down and just cried. I didn't want to say yes, why did I say yes? What happened? Can he control me through my thoughts now too? Why does this have to happen to me?

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