Chapter Thirty-Nine - Time Flies

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Chapter Thirty-Nine - Time Flies

Y/n's pov

Cupcake seemed to be a lot more active after his gender reveal. Which made me very happy but he is quite the kicker and there were actually some bruises forming. I didn't tell the boys because it's probably just a pregnancy thing plus they are really not that bad. And with holding onto Jimin more they went away faster not that there weren't new ones on the way.

The boys were downstairs as I took my "nap" before dinner. I sat on our bed with my legs crossed, my belly gently resting in between.
I had my shirt up as I put cream over my belly for the stretch marks that will most likely appear. God, my belly will be so ugly after this pregnancy. As I smeared the cream over my belly I felt, for the first time every, softer kicks which felt more like pitter patter. I smiled softly at the feeling.

"Hey baby," I mumble, putting the cream aside since I was finished with it. "Are you being gentle with mommy?" I ask getting a soft kick in response. "Thank you baby, mommy doesn't like the bruises you're giving her. I understand that you're excited to meet your daddy's and I but kicking won't help you come here any earlier. Alright?" I ask placing my hand softly where he kicked before. Getting another soft kick straight on my hand. "Will you behave for the last few months?" I get another gentle kick, my smile brightening with each kick. "Good, thank you baby, I can't wait to meet you. Your daddy's too, I can tell you that much," I chuckled softly.

Sudden hands on my shoulders startle me a little, getting three gentler kicks in response of my sudden movement.

"Oh my god, you scared me," I try to catch my breath as Jungkook apologizes for the sudden touch. His eyes fall on my belly noticing the small bruises.

"What happened?" He asks worried, sitting down on the floor at the edge facing my belly.

"Baby hurt mommy a little, but he's gonna behave himself, right?" I say, mostly to my belly. Getting a gentle kick which you can slightly see through my belly. His tiny toes showing as tiny bumps.

"Woah, I just saw his toes," Jungkook says in amazement. I giggled telling him I did too. Jungkook quickly takes out his phone. Snapping I don't know how my pictures as he asks cupcake to kick again for him. He does twice as of to make sure his daddy gets a nice picture. "Look," he says showing me the picture.

"Our little cupcake, already 6 months old," I chuckled leaning forward as if to cuddle my own belly.

"We can't wait to have you in our arms baby," Jungkook says, pecking my belly again. He looks up at me, standing back up, on the way kissing me sweetly. "Come on Hon, time for dinner," he takes my hands helping me up off the bed, pulling my t-shirt back down.

Jungkooks pov

Later on when Y/n reached 36 weeks (7,5 months +/-) she looked ready to pop. She had to stay in bed most of the time. Her feet too swollen to stand on. At the same time it seemed like our baby boy didn't like being sat still all day. So he started kicking more sometimes even going so far to make Y/n cry in pain.

Luckily when it went this far we would all be home and Jimin could hold her to take away the pain.

More bruises were forming on her belly from the kicks. Stretch marks littering the sides of her belly from the stretching of our baby.

Yesterday it almost looked like he tried to kick through her skin to get out. Taehyung was the first to notice as we were talking on the bed. Jimin was holding onto Y/n which is why she didn't feel the pain from the kick. That when we realised it can also be dangerous to take away the pain. Taehyung had to gently push back the foot, telling us he went into our baby's mind for a little to tell him to calm down. Tell him how much he's hurting mommy.

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