Chapter Forty-One - Us

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Chapter Forty-One - Us

Jungkooks pov

It was already 2 years later. Little Yoonsoo was now 2 years old. We had found out the day he was born that he was indeed a vampire like we had expected. So we made sure he got it daily dose of blood so he wouldn't turn savage if he didn't get any. Sadly it has happened before which is why people with vampire baby's have to keep record of how much blood they've had a day and if they've even had it. Missing a day could already cause symptoms of them growing their teeth too early and drinking whenever and from who ever. This could lead to many preventable deaths.

Yoonsoo was a smart boy, he liked schedules and if we forgot something he made sure to let us know. Slamming his sippy cup on the table when it was 5PM for his daily drink. Waking up at exactly at 5 AM for his morning drink etc.

Right now, Taehyung and Jimin were at work while I was home with Y/n. I was making Lunch seeing them from the kitchen on the couch. Playing together, booping each others noses, tickling each others stomaches. But most of all, Yoonsoo gave his full attention to Y/n's belly.

Y/n was pregnant again, with twins. Yoonsoo was over the moon and back in love with his unborn siblings. Y/n was only two months along and already showing. Yoonsoo loved to talk to her belly waiting for a response from them. Up to this day never getting one, it being to early for them to kick.

While this has been going on, I was planning when and where to propose to them. In the last two years I've been wanting to do it. But I never found the right moment. I wanted it to be special but everything seemed so 'its been done before' and how cliche it may sound, I wanted it to be perfect. Just like the people I plan on marrying.

I already had the rings, which I always carry with me in case I find the right moment. I had my text ready and everything. I just didn't know where to do it.

With a sigh I finished the sandwiches and brought them over to my two loves.

"Thank you Eun-Ji for taking care of Yoonsoo," I thanked her as Yoonsoo happily went into their home. Wanting to play with their 1 year old daughter, Minseo.

"It's nothing, go have fun," she said with a smile, waving me off. "Oh, and good luck," she said making me turn back around with wide eyes. She winked and closed the door behind her. I think I stood there for a few more seconds before I went to back to my car.

I had told them to get ready for our usual date night that we now held once a month at least. So as I headed back home, I honked once there. It didn't take them too long before coming out. I pet my pocket to feel the ring box and show them a big smile as they come over. Jimin sits down in the passenger seat and Y/n and Taehyung in the back.

"So where are we going for our date today?" Y/n asked when I started driving.

"It's a surprise," I said with a smirk. Y/n playfully pouted but waited patiently as I drove.

Soon enough I parked the car in front of a restaurant in the woods. "Are you planning on killing us?" Jimin joked as he got out.

"Of course not," I chuckled wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Taehyung and Y/n behind us. I lead the way into the restaurant where a waiter asks if we have a reservation. "Yes, it's on Jeon," I tell him with a smile. The waiter nods and leads them to their table. I had specifically asked for a table in the back by a window. I heard Y/n gasp, probably noticing the fairy light lit path in the woods.

"It looks so beautiful," I hear her mumble softly. "Can we walk after dinner?"

"Yes, please," Taehyung asked as well, both of them with a pout as they looked at me and Jimin for permission. I chuckled nodding.

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