Chapter Twenty-One - Nerves

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Chapter Twenty-One - Nerves

Jimin's pov

I woke up at about 4 in the morning from Jungkook softly shuffling around the bedroom. I open my eyes to look around and see him leaving the bedroom. I look over to Taehyung and Y/n and see them still fast asleep. I quietly get out of bed and follow Jungkook downstairs. I find him at the dining table with a cup of coffee.

"What are you doing awake?" I ask as I sit down next to him. He doesn't turn to me, he just keeps staring out the window. 

"We're going to her dads today," he mumbles.

"Are you worried about being accepted by him?" I asked shocked that that would be something he would be worried about. "After all he's done to her, you don't have to be worried about that!"

"I'm not worried about that," he says turning to me.

"Then what?"

"Her dad will not be home," he whispers, a concerned look on his face. "He's at the facility."

"What? For how long? When would this happen?"

"He's been there for about five months now. He's not allowed to leave the facility," Jungkook explained. "I don't know whether or not, Y/n wants to say goodbye to her father. He might have treated her badly but he's still her dad, and I don't know if I could make that possible." 

 "Okay, understandable, do you know how long he has left?" Jungkook shook his head. "Alright, uhm, we can ask Y/n, whether she wants to see her dad once more? If she says yes, we try everything to get them to meet once more if she says no we tell her what happened. Which means you're gonna have to tell her what your job is."

"I know," Jungkook sighs a little, looking back out the window. "I don't want to tell her, I'll feel bad, like really bad."

"I understand, but you're gonna have to at some point."


Y/n's pov 

I woke up by Taehyung pecking my nose repeatedly, giggling softly when I moved my nose in acknowledgement. 

"Wake up," he whispers, pecking my lips this time.

"No," I mumble moving my head downwards as if to avoid his kisses. He chuckles louder, pulling me closer to him and slightly crushing me to wake me up. "Tae!" I whine, moving my head back up, eyes half-lidded as he pecks my forehead.

"Come on, get ready so that we can eat, brunch and head to your dads," with a huff, I nod and push myself up. "I already picked out an outfit for you, even though you didn't bring much," he continues getting out of bed and going to the dressers where he had folded the clothes he wanted me to wear. "Here are your skinny jeans, and Jungkooks white shirt!" he says seeming excited while the nerves grew on me. I'm gonna see my dad again after about half a year. I'm still surprised that he didn't come looking for me when I didn't come back, but maybe he finally had a change of heart or something. "Oh and I left some accessories in the bathroom by your make-up bag," he pulled me up out of bed, kissing me once more before leaving the bedroom. I chuckle slightly at how excited Taehyung is, knowing it's slightly because of his nerves.

I take a quick shower and put on the clean clothes before doing my make-up. Once done I notice the round glasses, a choker and a few rings laid out beautifully beside my bag. I smile putting them all on. I look into the full-length mirror thinking to myself how Taehyung has an amazing taste for outfits before heading downstairs for brunch.

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