Chapter Fifteen - Gift

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Chapter Fifteen - How is it gonna go

Y/n's pov

- Three Weeks Later -

"Eun-Ji, I'm going to work now, good luck at school," I told her as I heard Taehyung honk outside in the car that was waiting for me outside.

"Okay!" Eun-Ji yelled from upstairs where she was changing before heading to school. "Have fun!"

"I will, you too! I'll be back on Sunday!" I yell back before I grab my bag and head out towards the car. Opening the passenger door, only to find Taehyung sitting there, with Jungkook in the driver's seat. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hey Jagi," Taehyung says smiling sweetly and getting out of the car. My eyebrow stays up as I say a questioning 'hi'. Taehyung just chuckles and pecking my cheek. "Jungkookie needs the car so he is driving us to the bakery."

"Oh, Okay!" I said smiling at him and getting in the passenger seat as Taehyung goes to sit in the back seat. "Hi Kookie," I smile at him and peck his cheek. 

"Hi, yeobo(Honey/Darling)," Jungkook smiles at me and starts driving towards the bakery. Taehyung leans over on my seat to place his head on my shoulder with his cute boxy smile.

"What do you need the car for?" I ask Jungkook, getting curious, especially since I didn't know where Jungkook worked, or if he even worked. What would Jungkook do, I don't really picture him as an office guy, unlike Jimin. But Jimin does have his really soft side which makes the office job kind of confusing, then again, he is really passionate about his work with Yoongi. Taehyung? Well, Taehyung is kind of expected. He's always so happy and I would have pictured him at something like the bakery. With his smile, I'm sure he could brighten anyone's day. Plus the fact that he sees a lot of kids in the bakery and likes to play with them a little while working which is adorable.

"Work starts at 10:30 today, normally I go with Jimin since it's on the way but he had to start at 8:30 so I couldn't tag along," he explains concentrated on driving.

"What do you do?" I ask as soon as he finishes. I feel Taehyung stiffen on my shoulder and Jungkook poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek. "What? Is it something bad?" I continue confused about their stiffness at my question. Was I not supposed to know what he does? "I mean, you don't have to tell me wha-"

"No, I do want to tell you, but I don't think I should at the stage we are now," Jungkook cuts me off, sending me quite the worried look as he glances over quickly. I grab hold of his hand that lies on his thigh and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Okay, that's fine, you can tell me, whenever you think it's okay to tell," I give him a smile to add some more reassuring to it, which he luckily returns and the tension slowly fades away and I don't let go of his hand through the rest of the ride. 

Once at the bakery, both Taehyung and I peck Jungkooks cheek and head off into the bakery, greeted by Jin. Changing into our uniforms Taehyung and I start our shift at the front counter.

"So, is Jungkook going to pick us up after our shift today?" I ask as I make a hot cup of coffee for the woman in front of the counter on my side and Taehyung makes a cup of tea for the teenager in front of the counter on his side. 

"Yeah, but we'll have to wait about half an hour, is that okay?" 

"Sure, that's fine, we can have a hot chocolate before we go and bring Kookie and Jiminie one too!" I grin hearing Taehyung chuckle a bit while nodding his head. I turn away and hand the woman her coffee and giving her the total. She smiles at me, handing the money mumbling a keep the change and winking at me before leaving the bakery. Slightly confused I shrug my shoulders and continue working.

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