Epilogue Part 4

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(Y/I) = your initials


Part 4

Third person

Mina choose to go to the same college as her dad's had in Busan. Surprisingly ending up in Jimins old dorm. Jimin showed her a little mark he left in the dorm. Which was unsurprisingly JJK + PJM. He had carved it into the bed which surprisingly hasn't been replaced over the years. They probably only replaced the mattresses and such. So as they were there anyway he carved with his keys, + KTH + (Y/I). Mina smiled at the gesture. She knew how much her parents loved each other, it just made her so happy to see them do little things for each other. Even this, it's so little and Y/n and Taehyung won't get to see it, probably, in real life. But it's so adorable they would add them to the carving. Mina was more than happy to be in her dad's dorm, knowing she'll be close to her parents still, even when she was this far away.

When she would miss them she would just look at their initials carved into the wood. Picturing them as happy as they always were. Whispering sweet nothings to each other.

In the years Mina had always been so fasinated with their relationship. They were perfect together, they love each other so much. Doing nothing else but show each other exactly how much they love each other.

Their relationship had Mina hoping for one just like theirs. During her dream she found out she had two mates one sweet strawberry like scent along with a dark chocolate scent. While it was almost obvious the strawberry scent was a girl, she couldn't pin point if the dark chocolate was a boy or a girl.

Soon enough she was half way through her first year and the fourth years came back from their internships. The cafeteria was filled with people, students, mom's, dad's, teachers, even pets. Everyone was invited to this "small" gathering. From her classmates she heard most of them where going for the free food. Mina of course couldn't help but laugh and join her friends. Mina was a bit later as one of her teachers held her back.

He wanted to ask her if she wanted to do extra credit as she was smart. Where she got it from no one will know. Though Taehyung thinks it's from her mom as, even though she never finished college, she was a very smart person.

Mina, even though she was kind of a nerd, was very well accepted. Probably because everyone in her class studied the same course so who isn't a nerd in her class right. Though she herself would question if she was actually smart. She was studying ICT/webdesign you don't really have to be smart for that. Or at least that's what she thinks.

Looking around the room she tried to find her friends. While walking along the outside of the room as she was quite timid when it came to new people or strangers in general. As she walked a little puppy stumbled into her feet. Soon followed by another one.

A little startled she looked down and cooed. The puppy looked up at her and almost like a cat nudged her leg wanted attention. Mina giggled bending down to pet the puppies. The puppy that bumped into her was a brown borbador while the other one that followed was a brown and white German shorthaired pointer.

The pointer looked a bit older than the borbador. Also seeming to protect the borbador. The pointer looked at Mina for a while before seeming her trust worthy and letting her pet him too.

 The pointer looked at Mina for a while before seeming her trust worthy and letting her pet him too

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