Epilogue Part 1

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Part 1

Third person

"Mom," Yoonsoo said in a whiney voice. He was was in his room looking at the clothes he had in his closet.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asked as she walked into his room, looking young as ever.

"I... I have a date," he stuttered embarrassed to tell his mom. Especially since he was going on a date with his mate, and has gone on dates with them for a while. And he hasn't told his parents yet.

"Oeh," Y/n said in excitement sitting down on the teenagers' double bed. "That's exciting," she continues not pushing him to tell her who he was going out with. "So what is it you need help with?" Yoonsoo heaved a relieved sigh.

"I don't know what to wear," Y/n felt so happy that he asked her for help and not for one of his dad's. Getting up from the bed she looked around his closet. Picking out dark grey skinny jeans, along with a white t-shirt that had a pocket on the left side of his chest, which had a little hamster peaking over it.

"Here you go," she said handing the items to him. "Go get changed, when do you have to leave?" Looking at his smartwatch his eyes widen.

"Shit, I have to leave in an hour!" He said and rushed into the bathroom. Y/n chuckled and left the room.

After getting ready Yoonsoo says bye to his family members as he hurried out, running to the café they choose to meet up at. He instantly felt the husky smell of his mate fill his nostrils. A small grin forming on his lips. Turning around after closing the door, he was faced with his tall mates chest.

"Hey baby," Hanjae said pulling yoonsoo into a hug.

"Hi," Yoonsoo blushed. Looking up at Hanjae after pulling away. The two sat down, talking for a while, drinking their drinks. The two had found each other about two months after Yoonsoos 16th birthday. Having been dating for almost three years now. Yet yoonsoo was too scared to tell his parents.

"So have you told them yet?" Hanjae asked. Hanjae was 20 also a vampire like himself. Yoonsoo guiltily looked down at the table, shaking his head. "Baby, with what you've told me about them, I'm sure they'll accept us," he sighs a little. Hanjae may look like a big tough guy with his dark hair, yet blue eyes, and tattoos here and there along his body but really he was a softy. Especially for his mate. He didn't like hiding their relationship from Yoonsoos parents.

"I know," Yoonsoo mumbled. "We can go to my place if you want...," He said quietly hoping he wasn't gonna hear it. But, of course, he did. A bright smile gracing his face.

"Alright, let's go now," Hanjae said, throwing back his coffee and standing up. Taking Yoonsoos hand he leads the way. Hanjae knee where he lived and had actually been inside but just inside Yoonsoos room. Having sneaked in there multiple times through the window

"B-but... My mom's home, all three of my dad's are home too. My little brothers and sisters are all home. A-are you sure you want to go now?" Yoonsoo stuttered while hurriedly trying to keep up with his fast pace

"Eh, it's gonna be fine," Hanjae says with a smile. Looking at Yoonsoo he pecked his lips sweetly, then nuzzling his nose in an Eskimo kiss. Yoonsoo full on blushing by the end of it, though he couldn't help but smile. They walked more calmly now.

Yoonsoo swinging their intertwined hands back and forth. He didn't even realize they had reached his house till Hanjae had already rung the doorbell. His eyes widened in realization. Trying to pull his hand away from Hanjae, but Hanjae only squeezed tighter. Soon enough the door opened and Taehyung was in front of them.

"Oh, hey," he said with a warm smile. "You must be Hanjae," he said. Yoonsoos eyes widened even more if possible. Dad knows!? How does he know? "You're very obvious with your Polaroid collection," he says.

"How did you find it!?"

"Hon, hiding it under your bed is not really a good spot. You do realize we clean this house right, including your room," Yoonsoo stood there dumbfound with his mouth open as his dad greeted Hanjae. Welcoming him into the family.

"He's here!?" Y/n says in excitement having heard Taehyung in her head. Taehyung having told her since the two had been waiting for Yoonsoo to bring him home ever since they found the pictures. The two had stopped working at the bakery and basically became stay at home parents. Jungkook had gotten promoted and was now leader of his team of Investigators. Along with that came a very nice paycheck. Jimin and Yoongi's business had been running well too. So, it was really no problem for them to stop working. "Sorry hon," Y/n said to Yoonsoo. "We didn't want to tell you we knew," she said pulling him into her embrace.

"I can't believe you already knew," Yoonsoo said somewhat whiney but accepting the hug.

"Now, hello again, I'm Taehyung, Yoonsoos dad, and my wife, Y/n," Taehyung introduces still loving to say that out loud. My wife!

"It's nice to finally meet you," Hanjae says with a smile, going to give him a hand. Taehyung stopped him though and pulled him into a hug.

"Welcome to the family," he says with a big grin.

"Come on let's go inside," Y/n said after hugging Hanjae too. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asks him after closing the front door behind them.

"No, I'm good for now, just finished my coffee at the café," he smiles gently. "Thank you for the offer though."

Yoonsoo still hesitant leads Hanjae further into the home. His other dads were sitting on the couch in the living room.

"H-hi dad," Yoonsoo stuttered to his dads, who were cuddled up and watching a movie.

"Hello, who is this?" Jimin asked getting up from the couch.

"M-my mate," he said shyly a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Hello, I'm Hanjae," Hanjae introduced himself politely to Jimin then moving to Jungkook. Giving both men a handshake. To his surprise, he got engulfed into a hug by the two of them.

"Welcome to the family. I'm Jungkook and my husband Jimin. I'm sure you've met my other husband and wife at the door," Jungkook spoke.

"Yeah, I did," Hanjae said with a smile. They all sat down and got to know each other better. Y/n coming out of the kitchen with a freshly baked batch of cupcakes. Calling out upstairs for the 5 kids that had stayed in their rooms.

"Cupcakes!" Sungmin, mina and Hana yelled as they came down the stairs. The 14-year-olds were quick to grab one, sitting down on the couches.

"Hi, who are you?" Mina asks once she notices Hanjae, sitting very close to her oldest brother.

"I'm Hanjae, your brothers mate," He says with a gentle smile.

"You're so lucky Yooni, he's so handsome," Hana says with a giggle making everyone in the room laugh while Yoonsoo blushing. Knowing all too well how hot his mate was. 


So here is the first part of the Epilogues. As you've probably noticed, the Epilogues are going to be about the kids for the next few. The last one will be about you and Vminkook again.

btw can you take a guess why Y/n looks "young as ever"?

I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you next time ^^

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