Chapter Twenty-Six - Sick

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Chapter Twenty-Six - Sick

Y/n's pov

I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep in the bathtub until I woke up shivering from the cold water. I quickly got out wrapping a big white towel around me, drying myself off and putting on the sweater and sweatpants.

I checked the clock noticing it was only 5 but I felt tired from crying so I crawled into bed after closing all the blinds. I shivered for a while longer before I finally fell asleep in the middle of the bed, missing the warmth of Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung.

Taehyung's pov

As we drove back home the guiltier I started to feel about not telling Y/n, especially after the text Jin hyung sent. He was right, we should have told her. I don't feel well knowing she found out through Jin and not through us. Once there I noticed the blinds were closed all lights out. I ran through the rain to the front door hearing Soonshim scratching against the door. I opened it quickly, going inside.

"Hey Soonshim, what's wrong girl?" I asked stroking her head in between her ears. She walked over to the corner where her leash hung on a hook and looked at it intensely before turning back to me. "You wanna walk? Jungkook? Can you walk with Soonshim?" I didn't wait for an answer as I went further into the home. Taking a quick peek into the living room before heading upstairs when I noticed Y/n wasn't there. I open our bedroom door quietly peeking my head inside and find her on the bed shivering. The heating was on and I could feel myself burning up from its heat which made me wonder how she could be shivering. I crawl onto the bed carefully not to wake her and place my hand on her forehead feeling that it's boiling hot. Shit, did she go out in the rain? Did she get sick!? I hurry to the bathroom to make a face handtowel wet with cold water, squeezing it out before heading back and softly pleasing it on her forehead.

Chiminie, can you bring a glass of water and some painkillers upstairs?

Soon enough Jimin comes upstairs with a glass of water. "where are the pills?" I whisper-yell at him.

"We ran out."

"Then go get them!"

"Tae it's 2 in the morning! No store nearby will be open!"

"I don't care! Get the fucking pills, Y/n is sick! And if I don't see you in the house with pills before she wakes up you can sleep on the fucking couch for neglecting our mate!" I raised my voice which caused Y/n to stir in bed getting slightly woken up. I dismiss Jimin and head back to her side. I softly move her onto her back, putting the towel correctly on her forehead. "You're gonna be okay, I'll take care of you, I promise," I whisper pecking her cheek and sitting down at her side staying awake to make sure she was doing okay during the rest of the night.

Jungkook's pov

It didn't take long before I came back from my walk with Soonshim, we were both wet from the rain. Luckily we kept a towel in the hallway for days like this so we could dry up Soonshim as well as we could before she went jumping around everywhere getting everything wet. After drying Soonshim off I went upstairs to their bedroom. As soon as I opened the door I got shushed by Taehyung, who was next to Y/n sitting on top of the duvet.

What happened? I lip sync to him.

She's sick, I think she walked outside in the rain which got her sick. He tells me in my head. I nod and softly shuffle my way over bending over the bed to peck her cheek before pecking Taehyungs lip for being so caring. I grab my sleeping clothes and head to the bathroom to take a quick - silent - shower.

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