Chapter Thirty-Seven - Baby's

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Chapter Thirty-Seven - Baby's

Taehyungs pov

"Where do you think they went?" I ask Jimin as we sat on the front porch. They have been gone for about 2 hours now already.

"I think I can take a guess, but we can't really walk there," Jimin said.

"We could use our speed," I suggest quietly. "Or borrow your parents car..."

"Taehyung," Jimin said in fake shock, chuckling at me. "Are you being naughty?" I giggled shaking my head.

"I just want to make sure they're okay," I tell him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Alright, stay here," he stood up, going inside and with a minute he returned with keys in his hands.

"Did you ask?"

"Nope, get in," I giggled quickly getting in the car.

"Isn't this the college you two went too?" I ask once he parked the car.

"Yep, I think they're here. I would bring her here too, because it's very calm here," he said, taking my hand he lead the way, while I looked around campus at all the teenagers, human and vampire.

"It looks so cozy here," I chuckled.

"Yeah, I loved campus more than my classes," Jimin said with a chuckle. "Oh there they are?"

"Did I open something I wasn't supposed to open?" I hear Y/n ask Jungkook whilst looking at the ground. We looked at each other in confusion and quickened our pace to them.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jimin asks as we sit down.

I could see Y/n waiting for Jungkook to speak but he didn't.

"Your friend Yeona, saw us and came to sit with us for a bit. She found her mate-"

"Mate, I thought she had two?" Jimin asks confused. Y/n nodded and continued telling us what had happened.

"And I know it's not my place, but I didn't want you guys to feel like you're not allowed to donate. Because apparently lots of girls get possessive over their mates sperm which I find bullshit. Other people have the same right to get children as I do."

"And she wants us to think about donating, but it's not up to me. If neither of you want to, I can tell her because she has my phone number."

"I think we'll have to talk about thoroughly first," Jimin said, Y/n nodded and sat up to get up. I quickly got up and helped her stand up.

"We should go back," I said, Y/n nodded hesitantly, holding my hand a little tighter. "I know where Jimins room is, we can just go there alright. She nodded. "Jungkook can I get the keys?" I asked but really it was a statement. He silently threw them at me.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" Y/n asked once we were in the car. "I'm just a waste of space, I'm not worth you guys."

"You didn't fuck up, you really didnt," I tell her taking her hand. "I'll tell you something ones were in Jimins room okay?" She nods slowly, looking out the window.

I closed the door behind us, loving how it had a lock. We sat down on the double bed, Y/n hugging a pillow.

"So the reason why Jungkook god all stiff during the conversation," I started, to grab her attention. "Yeona is a sweet girl she really is, but before they became friends ish. She tried to steal Jungkook," Y/n raised her right eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah I know, apparently during college Jungkook wore a cologne that smelled just like one of her mates. So she constantly hung off his shoulder. And he never really understood. He doesn't really like talking about the situation because he almost cheated on Jimin and well us but he didn't know us then. It was not his fault. The three of them followed a different course but the college mixes them when it comes to basic classes like Korean because everyone had that. Which is where they met. And they had an assignment together for Korean class. She got him drunk out of his mind she apparently made drinks for them which had alcohol in them because it was a sweet drink he didn't notice. And if it wasn't for Jimin who knew they were studying, well I don't know what would have happened. But Jimin thought he took to long because they had also planned a night together and he would be in his dorm no later than 11. So he went to check on them. No one answered when he knocked so he just walked in and found her on a passed out Kookie. He obviously flipped and threw her of and he took Jungkook to his dorm."

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