Chapter Thirty-Six - Time Alone

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Chapter Thirty-Six - Time Alone

Y/n's Pov

As Taehyung said he picked out my outfit. He picked out a dress that luckily still fits. It was this beautiful maroon dress which I rarely wore. It was a thin woollen dress fitting to wear in autumn. Along with black tights and timberlands. I put everything on, my belly somewhat visible tho it looked more like I'm fat. Pouting slightly at the look, I leave the bedroom after having done my morning routine in the bathroom.

"Awh, you look so cosy," Taehyung says when he sees me turn the corner to the dining table.

"I look fat," I mumble, playing with the bottom of the dress.

"No, you look pregnant, hon," Jungkook says as he passes me from the kitchen to set down our breakfast, pecking my cheek. I pout a bit more before sitting down to eat breakfast.

Breakfast consisted of toast with ham and cheese, still hot. We enjoyed breakfast in silence before we all got in the car to make the 1-hour journey to Busan.

The more minutes that went by the more nervous I became. I probably squeezed Taehyungs hand off if he were human. He didn't seem to mind tho. He kept pecking my cheek in reassurance and holding me closer. Whispering in my ear that Jimins and Jungkooks parents were going to love me.

The hour went by quicker than I hoped as we slowly drove up the driveway. A cute American style house at the end. A slim porch with white fencing, dark wooden floorboards and a wooden bench with soft looking pillows. The door of the baby blue wooden house opened before we even stood still. Two cars were parked in front of ours.

Out the front door came a very young looking feminine version of Jimin. Woah, vampires really don't seem to age. I hesitated a little as I got out of the car with the help of Taehyung. I stayed behind the car for a bit with Taehyung trying to calm myself down.

All the while, Jimin and Jungkook greeted the Parks and the Jeons. Taehyung hugged me pecking my lips sweetly.

"It's going to be okay alright," he said softly, I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Where's Taehyung?" A woman's voice asked.

"I'm here," Taehyung answered.

"Come here Tae give Eomma a hug," the woman sounded so happy to see him. Taehyung grinned and left my side in a rush to hug the person.

I quietly moved from behind the car, catching Jungkooks attention who immediately took my hand, pecking my cheek.

"Is this the fourth puzzle piece?" The woman in front of Jimin asked. I guessed it was Jimins mom because they looked very alike.

"H-hello," I stuttered, waving a tiny wave. Not leaving Jungkooks side, squeezing his hand.

I was shocked when I was suddenly pulled into a hug. "We're so happy to meet you, " the woman said sincerely. "I'm Min-Jee, Park Min-Jee, but you can call me Eomma of course," she smiles sweetly.

"O-okay, " I stutter again. "I'm Mi Y/n," I tell her with a slight smile on my face still nervous.

"Nice to finally meet you, " she says glaring at the boys behind me, I giggle at their faces. "You look adorable," she compliments me.

"Yes, you sure do, " the other woman who had Jungkooks eyes and nose. "Hello dear, I'm Soo-Young, but you can, of course, call me Eomma as well," she grins pulling me into a short hug as well.

"Come on, let's go inside," Min-Jee says, turning towards the door after some confirmation nods. Jungkook takes my hand, pecking my cheek.

"Told you they would like you," he whispers in my ear. I blush, nodding.

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