Chapter Five - Hospital

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Chapter Five - Hospital

Y/n's pov

It didn't take that long after Eun-Ji's call for Yoongi to pull up in front of us. Eun-Ji helped me up and into the car. She sat beside me and ordered Yoongi to bring us to the hospital. Eun-Ji felt grateful to Yoongi since he showed up, but she was still angry at him. I feel so guilty, I caused them to fight, it's my fault. I don't deserve Eun-Ji. I don't deserve to be taken care of by her. I ruined her life with Yoongi.

"I-I'm s-sorry," I mumble so both of them can hear me. I wipe away my tears and carefully get out of the car since it was parked in the parking lot of the hospital before one of them can reply. Eun-Ji gets out right after, rushing to my side and helps me into the hospital where she took me to first aid.


Yoongi's pov

I let out a sigh leaning my head against the steering wheel after I no longer see Y/n and Eun-Ji.

I knock on my window caught my attention and there stood the three again. I let out a sigh and get out of the car.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go home!" I said leaning against the car.

"Yeah well, you lied to us, hyung," Jungkook said crossing his arms, a stern look on his face but he still slightly hid behind Jimin. Jungkook was only a bit scared of Yoongi, but he had his reason. Watching Yoongi kill three vampires is not exactly nice to watch.

"I had too, alright."

"Why?" Taehyung asked not understanding why I lied.

"You knew it was her, you know her yourself and yet you lie to us," Jimin continued. "Why? Do you not want us to be happy?"

"I lied because you've always dreamed of a markless mate," I explained. "And she isn't, Eun-Ji told me she isn't a blood whore by choice but it just doesn't add up."

"Hyung, every one of us dreams of a markless mate! It wouldn't really matter in the end! We all would at least like to meet our mate."

"I also lied because she told me she was going to die," I told them quietly.

"What do you mean she was going to die!?"

"I don't know," I said letting out a sigh. "All she did was thank me for letting her stay the night and then told me how she would probably die."

"It still doesn't give you a reason to lie to us. Sure we had kind of already settled, thinking we wouldn't find our mate but that doesn't mean we wouldn't want them to still be in our lives even for a short while," Jimin said. "Now we are going to go inside that hospital and we are going to meet her," with that he started walking towards the entrance, Jungkook and Taehyung following behind him.


Y/n's pov

"Okay, nothing is too damaged," the doctor started after I was checked all over. "You've got a bruised wrist and ankle both left side and slightly bruised ribs," he looked at the papers again. "The wounds have been cleaned and shouldn't cause any infections. You are free to go home, stay in bed, don't use your ankle too much and you should be fine within a month."

"Thank you, doctor," Eun-Ji said as she stood beside the bed I was on, holding my hand.

"Thank you, sir," I thank him too. He gives a smile before leaving the room.

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