Chapter Eleven - Cupcakes and "Dates"

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Chapter Eleven - Cupcakes and "Dates"

Eun-Ji's pov

It's getting kind of irritating how excited and obsessed Y/n has gotten these past three months. Every day after work Y/n will continue on talking about Taehyung, and then when she goes to the grocery store on Friday she'll see Jungkook which has her talking about him and now Jimin is in the mix too!

Since Yoongi took Holly to our home from his mother's house about a month ago Y/n has been walking with him during the day and she'll see Jimin on the way who is walking with Soonshim. It sometimes takes three hours before she comes home from walking with Holly! Just because of him. The first time she got home that late I was so worried but she kept on telling that she was okay and that Jimin took her home and would pick her up the next day to walk the dogs again! 

So yeah, right now I am watching Y/n bake cupcakes for each of them. A vanilla one for Taehyung to fit his hair, a chocolate one for Jungkook to fit his hair, and because grey is not exactly an appealing colour to eat she made a pink one for Jimin because he would like to dye his hair that colour sometime. While doing so she kept on mumbling things she liked about them like I could actually understand what she was saying.

"Y/n?" I interrupted her.

"Yes?" she said stopping her mumbling and placing the three cupcakes into the oven.

"How about while, those are in the oven, we go and recount your bite marks?" I asked her which lit up her mood even more. She hasn't been bitten for about two and a half months now and because most bite marks were "placed" on her around the same time they disappeared quite quickly after each other.

"Yes!" She answered excitedly and took my hand dragging me upstairs. I chuckled slightly as I tried to keep up with her. Once we got to her room we started counting the bite marks. A lot have disappeared at a faster pace than we thought. Mine were already gone after the first month. I think in three months time about 2/3 of the bite marks had already disappeared.

Yoongi and I had talked about it, thinking of theories as to why or how they disappeared quicker than we had originally thought. The only thing we could come up with was that she has been in contact with her mates which helps a lot when it comes to a humans health. For some odd reason, our body starts to take better care of its self when we have contact with our mate whether we know they are our mate or not.

Y/n, pulled off her jeans, followed by her sweater and turned her back to me for me to start counting the bite marks on her back, back of her legs, etcetera.

"One, two, three," Y/n started mumbling while counting the ones on her front. I smile slightly when I notice that there aren't many left on her backside. but there were three in the form of a triangle on her upper thigh which made me realize something.

They formed a triangle just like how mine looked. Was she bitten by the same people as I was? I hope not if so it seemed like they would always leave their mark in triangular form. Thank god Yoongi got rid of them. Somehow Yoongi immediately knew who it were with only one glance at the bite marks. I told them about the bite marks like a month after we met and he told me that he was my mate. I didn't want to risk mating with him and him not liking the fact that I got bitten before. Ones he saw the bites he excused himself, I thought he had rejected me so I went home and cried on my brother's shoulder the whole night. But that same night after Jin had put me into bed my bedroom window opened and in came a bloody Yoongi.

I rambled worried about him but he just looked at me with a stiff look, ignoring everything I said only to cup my face in his hand to make me look at him. 'Have you been crying?' he asked, stroking my tear stained cheeks with his thumbs. I only nodded and moved my eyes away from his face. 'Why?' he asked with such care in his voice I nearly melted on the spot. So I explained while stuttering that I thought I had rejected me but he slowly smiled pecking my lips. I was shocked while he chuckled lightly. 'I would never reject you,' he said.

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