Chapter Thirteen - Realization

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Chapter Thirteen - Realization

Y/n's pov

It was only the day after that I realized something. I kissed three guys in one day...

I was sat on my bed holding my pillow into my arms thinking about what happened yesterday with a smile on my face which quickly vanished at the realization.

Maybe my life is just made to be like this, I'm not only supposed to be a blood whore but an actual whore too! Tears started to fill to the brim of my eyes. "I don't want to be a whore!" I yelled into my pillow which only slightly muffled it and caught Yoongi's attention who was working in his office next to my bedroom. While I cried into my pillow Yoongi had opened the door to my room.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" I heard him ask from the door opening. I slowly lifted up my head to look at him with a tear-stained face. I just shook my head slowly, yoongi sighed walking over to me as he said. "I guess you're not," he sat down in front of me on the bed, wiping away my tears. "Want to tell me what's bothering you?" I nodded taking a breath.

"You were right all along, Yoongi," I said in a creaky voice. "You can say I told you so to Eun-Ji."

"What are you talking about, Y/n? What am I right about?" he asked confusion visible all over his face. I took another breath, looking up at the ceiling for a few seconds before turning my gaze to the window.

"I'm not only a blood whore, I'm a regular whore too," I told him in a soft voice, my gaze slowly going back to my pillow, wanting to do nothing but just crawl into a hole in the ground and die. "I am playing with three vampires, so I guess I am just meant to be a blood whore, just like you thought I already was."

"What are you talking about," Yoongi said, slightly raising his voice. "You are not a blood whore! Sure I thought you were because you looked like one before. But not now. You have been working away those bite marks every since you know you could, all of them are going away at a faster pace than I ever thought was possible. You tried so hard to be markless for your mate that you haven't even realized you met them."

"I have?" I mumble softly, looking over at Yoongi again.

"Yes, you have, but they don't want to go to quick with the relationship, and they'll tell you soon enough," he said. "I'll personally make it happen that they tell you."

"Why can't you tell me who it is?" I ask, wanting to know who it is already so that I can cut ties with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Because we like to tell our mates ourselves, and I don't want to ruin that moment for them."

"I met him already, right, so can you tell me what my bond is with him?" 

"You did meet them but I'm not gonna tell you what your bond is with them because that would give it away," he chuckles. "But they'll tell you soon, okay? I promise," I nod and make a quick move to give him a shock, knowing he wasn't really one for hugs unless of course, it's Eun-Ji.

"Thank you," I mumble, before pulling away and smiling at him, wiping away the rest of my tears. 


Jimin's pov

I was busy working in my office for Yoongi and I's company, MinPark, when I got a text from Yoongi.

I was busy working in my office for Yoongi and I's company, MinPark, when I got a text from Yoongi

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