Chapter Twenty-Eight - Bedrest

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Chapter Twenty-Eight - Bedrest

Jungkook's pov

After surgery it took a while before we were allowed into her room because they had to make sure everything was attached properly and check her heart and everything surrounding it. They found us in the waiting room and smiled once they saw us to tell us the news.

"So, Y/n is out of surgery and asleep in her room. She's very tired which is normal so it might take awhile before she wakes up. If you walk with me I'll bring you to her room as I explain what we did and what is going to happen," the nurse says, we nod and follow her down the hall. "We found a tumor in her abdomen, we have been able to remove it but it has already started to spread it self through out her body. She'll have to come back to the hospital every week so we can do check ups on the spreading and find a cure, it shouldn't be to hard to find a cure but because she's apparently had it for a few years now already the spreading is pretty bed, and the spreading is what caused her to fall ill as of recently."

It was hard to wrap my head around all the situation but the most important thing I could grasp from it was that Y/n is basically dying. If they don't find a cure she is going to die.

I look over to Jimin and Taehyung and see in their eyes they've realized the same as me. Once the elevator doors close I ask the nurse; "So if you don't find a cure, she will die from the spreading?"

"Sadly, yes she will," the nurse says in a symephatic voice. "We looked through her files and grabbed files of family members to see if anyone else has had a tumor or died from one. Her mother had a tumor too, apparently she never told her mate about this, she didn't want to live if it would coat her baby's life. They found out about the tumor when she first fell pregnant with Y/n. With her being pregnant at the time all treatment had a 90% chance of her losing the baby. So she gave up on her life as long as Y/n got to live. But now, because it's in the family Y/n has gotten it too."

"If you don't find a cure, is there a different way she could survive?" Jimin asks.

"You'll most likely have to change her, but I'm no expert on they so you're going to have to ask someone who specialises in human to vampire transformation. I have a business card here from someone who i would recommend," as we wall by a reception she walks behind it and grabs a business card from a card holder and hands it to us before leading us further down the hall to room 255. "This is her,you can ggo in but she's most likely still asleep so be quite," we nod an open the door quietly to go inside. As the nurse said, Y/n is asleep when we enter. She doesn't look sick luckily nor does she seem to be in pain. I walk to the left side of her bed and gently take her hand in mine, she feels cold but that quickly changes as she tightens her grasp on my hand. I feel the warmth flow through her as she slowly blinks her eyes. With tired eyes she looks around at us and starts to smile softly.

"Hi," she says quietly.

"Y/n go back to sleep you need your rest," is what Taehyung says walking closer. He places his hand on her cheek softly stroking it with tears still in his eyes.

"Tae, I'm okay, they removed what harms me," she smiles again and I know she hasn't been told exactly what has been removed, nor has she been told that she is in fact not fine. I look over at the both of them as if to tell them not to make her worry and that we will fix this.

"We know, but we still want you to rest a bit more, alright, you still went through a tough surgery," Jimin says calmly, Y/n gives in with a nod as she looks over to him.

"Will you hold my hand?" She asks softly, reaching for him. He instantly grabs on to her in concern.

"Are you hurting?"

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