Chapter Thirty-Five - Family Matters

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Chapter Thirty-Five - Family Matters

Y/n's pov

It was so weird for me to go to the doctor together, but I loved it. We crowded the waiting area but no one seemed to mind. They seemed to notice how scared I was for our appointment and gave me reassuring smiles.

The appointment was, in the end, easy peasy lemon squeezy, of course. We got to see the tiny baby that at this point was only made of cells. But it still got me and Taehyung to cry. So Jimin held my hand while Jungkook comforted Taehyung.

We asked all the questions we could possibly think of. Like if they could already tell whether or not the baby was going to be a vampire or a human. If there would be any trouble like with my mom. If the duration of the pregnancy is the same. When we would be able to find out the gender etcetera.

The most important thing is, our baby is healthy and growing normally so far.

Some questions couldn't be answered of course, like whether or not it was going to be a boy or a girl nor could they tell us exactly when we would find out the gender. But they guessed between 3 and 4 months.

Because I'm still very early on in my pregnancy we all went back to work, being just the slightest bit more careful at work. Taehyung wrapping his arms around me more and being overall more affectionate.
On a day off Taehyung and I decided to do some early baby shopping. We just wanted to look around and didn't plan on actually buying anything...

"What's all this?" Jimin asked shocked when he and Jungkook came home that day.

"Nothing," Taehyung and I said at the same time. Both holding tiny baby shoes.

The living room was littered with bags of baby stores. We had bought I don't know how many toys for kids from the age of 0 to the age of 10. Along with the toys we bought we had a few outfits and buy a few I mean at least 10 for both girls, boys and neutral. Sure we went a bit too far but we wanted to be prepared. We even bought things for sharp corners and such to make the house baby proof.

"You do realise we don't have room for all this, nor do we need any if this yet right," Jungkook said crossing his arm in a stern manner like he was lecturing kids. Which me and Tae basically were.

He sighed when we didn't respond and started picking up bags and taking them out.

"Where are you taking those?" I hesitantly asked.

"Back to the store," he said not really waiting for an answer as it was a statement. "You can both pick one thing you want to keep, the rest is going back," he said and left the hallway, out the door to the car. Jimin sighed as well starting to pick up bags as well to go with Jungkook.

I looked over at Taehyung who started down at the tiny pair of ballet shoes he held on his hands. I looked at the pink bunny stuffed animal, that sat next to me. Picking it up and taking off the label.

"I'm sorry I got us in trouble," Taehyung mumbled as he took off the label from the tiny shoes.

"Not your fault, we both let ourselves go a little," I said leaning forward to peck his cheek.

Once all the bags were in the car, Jungkook and Jimin left without a word.

"I think they're mad," I mumbled, walking over to the kitchen. We already planned on an easy dinner. So I decided to make food for us. Grabbing eggs from the cupboard I started boiling 4 eggs in water. While waiting for those I started putting mayonnaise, cheese, ham and lettuce on four baguettes.

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