Chapter Twenty-Three - Love means trust

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Not edited! I didn't want to let you wait any longer since I've been neglecting you guys! My apologies for that!

Chapter Twenty-Three - Love means trust

Taehyungs pov

She didn't come home? Why did she not come home? I thought we had it perfect together. We were finally all together, we were supposed to live together now. I look over at Jungkook who is cooking dinner, for the three of us. His back is stiff again, head bend forward in a way it just couldn't be good for his back.

As I sigh, Seul-Gi jumps on the couch, towards me, nuzzling his head in my tummy. I pick him up, carrying him in my arms, as I pass Jungkook, up the stairs into the spare bedroom. I put Seul-Gi on the bed before locking the bedroom door.

"I just keep fucking up, don't I?" I say, picking him up and sitting down on the bed, with my back against the headboard, Seul-Gi in my arms, nuzzling against me as if to reassure that everything will be fine.

"I know we're mates and I trust her, but," I let out a sigh connecting my forehead to Seul-Gi's.

(WhatsApp background from

Baekhyunie~ 💗

Has Chanyeol ever done something that made you want to stay the night somewhere else and maybe not return?

:50 pm

5:52 pm

Yes, he has...
5:53 pm

Why do you want to know?
5:54 pm

It's just that I messed up with Y/n😬.
What did he do to fix it?
5:55 pm

What happened? Y/n seemed so
happy with you and even Yesterday
when we talked🤔. What is it that
caused her to stay the night
5:56 pm

Basically, I haven't told her something,
and I kind of accidentally started to
ignore her to hide it and now she's
staying at a friend's and I don't know
when she'll be back...
5:57 pm

Don't you trust her with whatever it is?
I'm sure if you just tell her what it is
she'll come back.
5:58 pm

I don't know...😔
5:59 pm

Alright, what Chanyeol did to make
up to me. He planned a whole day,
just us, going places that I liked
and ending back home where...
6:00 pm

S-tuff... happened 🙈
6:01 pm

6:02 pm


Y/n's pov

"I guess he hasn't told you yet, has he?" was the first thing Yoongi had asked when he came home from work and saw me and Eun-Ji sitting on de couch watching 'say yes to the dress' with excitement.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind that I'm staying here."

"Hmm, I expected he would have already told you after a week," he mumbled. "It's fine, you can stay."

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