Chapter Twenty-Seven - Hospital

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Chapter Twenty-Seven - Hospital

Y/n's pov

After Jimins call with his friend who told us he didn't have time until this Wednesday which was three days away. Jimin had to go back to work the next day which didn't help as my pain dubbed from the day before, being even more of a pain in the ass for Jungkook who stayed with me that day.

I swear when I took a nap I could hear Jungkook panicking in the bathroom mumbling about not knowing how to take care of me, while I was already happy he was there for me and did everything he could for me.

The day after that Taehyung stayed with me, I didn't really know what happened through the whole day because I blacked out in the morning only a few minutes after Jimin left. All I knew was that Taehyung put me in bed and fed me when I woke up before I passed out again.

I only woke up again when Jimin came home and held me in his arms for a few hours. He was so worried about me, same goes to Taehyung and Jungkook who felt useless in this situation since Jimin was the only one who could help me of some sorts. He took away the pain which they couldn't.

I would always reassure them that I was fine when I was in Jimins arms. Because I was. I felt fine in his arms, like nothing was wrong with me.

We were watching avengers Civil War on Netflix. As we waited for 3 in the afternoon since he would arrive then. As we watched I couldnt help but get closer to Jimin with each second which ended up with me in he lap as he placed both his hands on my belly to sooth the pain. Hell I didn't even feel any pain with his hands on me.

Jimin still had a worried look on his face and I hoped the movie would distract him, I don't think it did tho. I wish I could read his mind right now to see what's going on in his head, to see if he's scared or worried about his - possible - gift. Knowing I'm not able to I give his cheek a long reassuring peck, lingering there for a while.

Just as I pull away the doorbell rings, Jimin jumping in his seat from surprise. I chuckle and stand up taking him with me to the front door.

"Hi Hoseok hyung," Jimin says to the guy after he opened the door. You could hear in his voice that he was nervous to find out whether or not he actually had a gift.

"Hey, Jimin," Hoseok smiles with a bright smile reminding me of the sun which instantly brings a smile on my face. "You must be Y/n, I'm Hoseok, I've heard a lot about you," he says shaking my hand. "All good things of course, Jungkook won't stop talking about you," he chuckles, a dark blush appears on my cheeks as I didn't expect Jungkook to talk about me much, especially at work because they know who I am there.

"Come in," I open the door further and let him inside, tugging a stiff Jimin with me into the living room where we set down. Hoseok didn't skip a beat and immediately started questioning Jimin about what has been happening and how long we've known something was up.

We explained how I am sick at the moment and I can't really do anything if I do not have skin to skin contact with Jimin because I would be dying of pain.

Hoseok apologized for asking us to let go to see what happens. Jimin tho only became more stiff as he didn't want me to feel the pain he knows I'm having.

"It's alright, I promise," I tell him placing my hand on his cheek to turn him towards me a giving him a soft peck on his lips. I smile and place my free hand on the one that's holding mine a slowly peal it away, placing his hand on his knee before letting go.

Almost immediately a blood curling scream leaves my mouth at the amount of pain that comes back like turning a light switch. My arms wrap around my stomach as I try to suppress the pain by curling in on myself on the couch. Tears roll down my cheeks at a fast pace as I can feel my head become heavy and crowded.

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