Chapter Seven - The truth

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Chapter Seven - The truth

Y/n's pov

It took a week. Eun-Ji said I was unconscious for a week. She also immediately handed me a bowl with fruit while she rambled on and on about the seven fruit bowls she made me, one for each day that I was unconscious.

I was just shocked by the fact that I even woke up. I was so sure I was going to die that day. But here I am. In their living room, on the couch wrapped in blankets, a fruit bowl in my hand, which was the third one today, Eun-Ji next to me. She told me how worried she was, she looked up anything that could help me recover from the blood loss. 

To my surprise, Yoongi seemed happy that I was awake. When he walked through the front door and found me on the couch he instantly smiled at me saying that he was glad that I woke up before he left the room dialling a number on his phone.

I cut Eun-Ji off as she rambled on and on about what I should and shouldn't do. "Eun-Ji?" I asked and she stopped rambling immediately. "Why did Yoongi seem happy to see me?" I ask.

"He promised me, to treat you better, I know that it took you fainting for him to actually start to open up to you, but he'll try."

"Oh, okay," I answer.

"Y/n?" I hum as if telling her to continue. "I know you don't like talking about it, but will you please explain to us what has been happening to you?" When she asked this Yoongi came back into the living room, take a seat on the love seat.

"I-I'm not sure if you want t-to hear what-"

"We do want to know," Yoongi cut me off. "I know I haven't been nice to you from the beginning, but knowing your side of the story might change my mind completely. And Eun-Ji really wants to help you get better."

"O-okay, but can I have some water first?" 

"Sure, I'll go get it for you," Eun-Ji stood up and headed to the kitchen. Yoongi took out his phone, typing something before he clicked on something and left his phone on his leg still unlocked.


Taehyung's pov

I was sat in the kitchen watching Jungkook kook with a loving gaze when my phone ringing nearly made me fall off my chair as it scared me. Jungkook laughed loudly at the sight of me just barely sitting upright. I fiddled with my phone before I answered Yoongi's call.


"She's awake," he said cutting me off.


"Y/n, she's awake," he said again. "She's still very pale but she's awake."

"Wait, wait, wait," I say. "say that again but slowly."









"Taehyung...? Hello...? Oh well," Yoongi hung up.

"Y/n is awake?" I mumbled in barely a whisper. "She's awake!"

"Ow! Tae, I don't need my hearing to be damaged!" Jungkook said holding onto his ear softly. "Who's awake?"

"Y/n is!"

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