Chapter Nine - Bite Marks

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Chapter Nine - Bite Marks 

Y/n's pov

Eun-Ji had been rambling for almost 10 minutes now but the smile was still on my face and I think it finally caught up to her that I was smiling and not talking back to her like I usually do when she rambles when I do something stupid in her eyes.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked and totally stopped rambling. She stood in front of me, hands on my shoulders as she inspected my face.

"I'm not smiling," I giggle.

"Yes, you are, what happened?"

"Nothing much, I just met this sweet guy at the grocery store," I replied kind of like I was on cloud nine. I walked back to the bags and started unpacking. "He's a vampire, but he looked more like a bunny," I giggle picturing his face again. "He teased me when I couldn't reach the top shelf but he helped me anyway and then we continued shopping together. He was so nice to me," I kept on talking while Eun-Ji just stared at me like she had seen a ghost, watching me unpack the grocery bags. "He seemed familiar to me but I couldn't place it, so I asked, he's one of the guys who helped me at the hospital. Do you remember Eun-Ji? Oh, my God, he's so cute, I could just squeeze his cheeks all day."


Eun-Ji's pov

"What was his name?" I asked, wanting to know who of the three it was.

"Oh, Jungkook, isn't his name dreamy? Just like his chocolate eyes."

"Was I like that too?" I asked Yoongi, once he came to the kitchen as I watched Y/n ramble on and on about Jungkook whom she met at the grocery store.

"Pretty much," he answered, chuckling as we both watched Y/n going on and on and on. I didn't even take in all the things she said. "At least that's what Jin Hyung told me," Jin Hyung is my older brother by two years. He's a vampire though, unlike me. Jin also has a vampire mate instead of a human mate or both. He met him at his bakery, it was supposedly a really cute encounter but he never told me exactly what happened the day he met Namjoon.

"How come we act like this, we don't really act like this when we have a crush on someone, it's usually not this... dreamy looking, I guess," I continued my questioning about Y/n's behaviour.

"Right, well this is the only clue for a human to know if they've talked or seen their vampire mate," Yoongi started to explain. "They start to act like this, constantly smiling, not knowing how to stop talking about that someone, who in this case is Jungkook and they are practically stuck on cloud nine for about a few hours before it tones down, until the next encounter with said vampire."

"That's actually kinda creepy," I whisper which makes him chuckle.

"For you, it might, but for us it's normal, it also makes us feel a lot of pride, knowing that we have this effect on our mates."

"I guess, I can understand that," I mumble. "Well, let's hope she'll be done soon, I am hungry and I couldn't argue with her about her cooking tonight, so we might have to wait."


Y/n's pov

"What are you looking at?" I nearly jumped in the air at Eun-Ji's sudden appearance.

"Oh, my God, Eun-ie!" I said as I tried to calm my heartbeat. "I thought you were at school!"

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