Chapter Four - New Rules

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Chapter Four - New Rules

Yoongi's pov

Soon enough Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook came over for lunch since Jimin and I both work from home on Wednesdays. We sat in the dining room eating quietly when Jungkook spoke up.

"Why does it smell so good here?" Jungkook asked while sniffing the air a little. "Like white roses."

"I smell it too," Taehyung then said, nodding his head.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin starts, catching my attention making my gaze shit towards him.

Shit! Of course, they'll smell it here better, she's been here in here the most!

"Yes?" I ask trying to hide the fact that I was nervous.

"Those aren't actually white roses we are smelling, are we?" He asked, Jungkook and Taehyungs attention both turning to me now.

"I had white roses here a few days ago," I answer maybe a bit too quickly, which wouldn't be hard to catch as a lie. "They survived a bit longer than the ones in the living room that is why you can still smell them," please believe me. Sure Jimin is younger than me but he can still be scary as shit when it comes to someone lying to him! That's one of the reasons we fire people the most. And that's not something I like seeing, but it's for their own good right now.

Jimin was about to say something else when my phone rang. I quickly pick up when I realise it's Eun-Ji. It also being a great distraction from the topic.

"Hey, baby," I answer.

"Yoongi, I am still mad at you, but I need you to pick me and Y/n up?" She says at a fast pace.

"Why, what's wrong?" I ask, sitting up straight.

"The school added a new rule..." she trails off.

"Yes, and what might that rule be?"

"No blood whores are allowed in the school," she sighs. "And I know you still judge Y/n, but please, pick us up."

"But she is a blood whore, what is the problem?" Bad move I thought as I saw how concentrated Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in my conversation and heard the frustrating sigh from Eun-Ji. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook weren't really against a human being a blood whore. Not because they used them or something, but because, sadly, Taehyung's older brother, Baekhyun, had been used as a blood whore before he found his mate.


"I know that Eun-Ji, but it just doesn't add up!"

"I don't care what you think, Yoongi!" she continued with a loud voice but not as loud as before. "Come here, Y/n," I heard sniffling and Eun-Ji sigh. "If you are not here in 10 minutes I will cut your dick off," she said to me before she hung up.

"What was that all about?" Jimin asks as if he didn't just hear the whole conversation.

"Don't act like you didn't fucking hear anything," I said annoyed. "Now I'm sorry to say this, but get out," I stand up from my seat head to the door, put on my jacket and grab my keys.

"We can come along if you want us too," Jungkook said as we walked out of the house.

"No, just go home, I have to handle this alone," I sigh, get in my car and drive off.


Y/n's pov

"Shh, It's okay," Eun-Ji said as she held me in her arms. I was shaking violently, tears fell from my eyes as I was sniffling, probably ruining Eun-Ji's shirt. I was so scared.

I was just sitting in my English class with Eun-Ji when two security guards came into the classroom. They talked to the teacher who then pointed at me. They came over to me, they didn't say a thing but they dragged me from my seat. Students were shocked, I was scared and tried to free myself from their grip but it was no help. Eun-Ji yelled at them, but they ignored her so she started yelling at the teacher while I was taken outside. At the top of the stairs at the entrance, they put me down and kicked me off the stairs. It hurt so much, but I was in shock that I didn't really feel the pain till I was picked up again from the bottom of the stairs and dragged to the gate where they threw me down again.

"No blood whores allowed," was the only thing they said to me before they walked away. Eun-Ji came running from the door, past the security guards and helped me up.

"Y/n!? Are you okay?" She asked me as soon as she got to me. I nodded my head yes, which slowly turned into shaking my head no as the pain started to kick in. "Come on, let's sit," she helped me over to a bench nearby and set me down. "I'm going to call Yoongi, okay? It will be alright, I promise," she held my hand as she called him. I didn't listen to the conversation, I just thought about what to do next. If I go home, dad will surely kill me. If not, then Jae-Hyun will have sucked all the blood out of me by the end of this week if he knew I couldn't go to school. Maybe he'll even buy me and take me with him! I don't want that, I just... I don't know... I would rather die than go home right now. Tears started to form in my eyes as I tried to picture a better future for me.

There was none, if I can't continue my studies, that means I can't work, which means I won't earn money, which means I have to stay with my dad, which means getting manipulated by Jae-Hyun, which means staying a blood whore. I don't want this life! "Come here, Y/n," I look up to see Eun-Ji holding her arm open for me. I get closer to her and let her embrace me as I start to notice that I had started sniffling, and cry into her shirt. Eun-Ji sighed before she continued her call with Yoongi. "If you are not here in 10 minutes I will cut your dick off," she hung up and gave me her full attention. "It's going to be okay, Y/n," she said to me.

"It's not," I tell her.

"It is," she said back. "I promise that from now on, you'll stay with me. I won't let anything happen to you," I shook my head but didn't say anything. "We'll go to the hospital when Yoongi gets here and we are going to make sure you are okay, alright?"

"T-thank you," I stutter through my tears.

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