Chapter Forty - Baby

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Chapter Forty - Baby

Y/n's pov

"Can we all just sit down for a bit?" I asked. The three of them were stood around the bed as they were discussing the sleeping arrangements now. I needed to go pee a lot more as of late in the middle of the night. And with a big belly like this I couldn't really crawl over them without waking one of them up. So I requested to sleep on the outside for now but that seems to be a problem. "Please," I asked after I was ignored and the arguing continued. "Sit down, right now!" I raised my voice, all three vampires jumping at the power of my voice. Slowly sitting down. "If you three keep arguing about this I'm gonna sleep in the guest bedroom," I said pointing at all three of them with a glare. The apologized quickly looking pretty guilty. "There is no need to argue over this. I'll only be staying on this side for the last few weeks. And then we can go back to normal, please," I let it sink in for them just a second before continuing and grabbing a book from the bedside drawer. "Good, now, we need to pick out a name for this cupcake. He's been here for 8 months already and he's still nameless," I pouted while staring at them.

"I'm sorry, Hon," Jungkook said, he sat down closer to me. "We do need to think of a name. Cupcake is nice but not for when he's actually here," he chuckled slightly. Jimin and Taehyung both sat closer together.

"I have a book here with baby names incase we need it, but for now I want know if you had an idea already," I said, waiting for them to say names.

We all called quite a few names but not really agreeing on one until Jimin said; "What about Yoonsoo?" As soon as he said it I got excited kicks in my stomach and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Cupcakes seems too like it," I said stroking my tummy softly as he continued to kick.

"I like it too," Taehyung said, moving forward to talk to my belly. "Do you agree, cupcake? Do you like Yoonsoo?" He said pecking my tummy, afterwards getting a kick straight on the lips.

"I love it, it fits this excited baby," I said smiling brightly. "What about you Kookie?" He pulled me towards him pecking my head.

"I love it, I can't wait for our little Yoonsoo to be here," he said.

What he said was also kind of a nightmare. Not even two days later, Yoonsoo thought it would be fun to come out already.

We had to rush to the hospital that night, not prepared at all. I was just happy Taehyung didn't forget my labor bag.

The contractions where hell while pushing was easy piecy lemon squeezy. And it didn't take as long as I expected before our baby boy was born. Jimin cut the cord before he was sent off for washing and checking if everything was okay. Especially because he was born 4 weeks early.

He was brought back not even half an hour later, for me to hold. I sniffed looked at his cute face. "So beautiful," I mumbled, tears at my eyes. I gently stroked his puffy cheek.

Another nurse came in asking for a name.

"Yoonsoo," I said. Then she asked for a last name. My eyes widened. We never picked a last name. "We haven't picked who's last name our baby's are going to get," I said looking at my boys. Jungkook hesitantly stepped forward.

"Well," he started. "I was planning on marrying all three you, and make you all Jeons... Unless of course, you wouldn't want that," he said unsure.

"Really?" Taehyung asked shocked as he stood beside me, one of his hands on the baby's tummy.

"Yeah," Jungkook said. "But I kept waiting because I wasn't sure if you would actually want that."

"Well I for sure want to be married with you three," Y/n said with a blush on her cheeks. "We have the bond yes, but you three are the only ones who can see the collars on me, I can't. And I want another way to show off that I belong to you," I explain quietly while staring at beautiful Yoonsoo. Gently stroking his cheek, his skin a perfect creme colour.

Jungkook smiled sweetly waiting on what the others where gonna say. "I would like to get married too," Taehyung said with a smile. "What about you Jiminie?" He asked Jimin, staring lovingly at him.

"I hate it sometimes that were both the doms in this relationship," Jimin said with a chuckle making me giggle too. "But I do want to get married to you all," he smiled pecking Jungkooks cheek. "So yeah, I'll become a Jeon too," he grins.

"So Jeon Yoonsoo?" I ask to make sure. They all nod and the nurse writes it down.

"Now, I heard you wanted to find it who the dad is right?" She asks already having samples in hand to take the test. We nodded as she then proceeded to hand out the tests and told them how it works. She then took them with her after letting me do the test on little Yoonsoo, to get the results. She told is that it usually doesn't take too long so she would most likely be back in an hour or so.

I leaned back into the pillow, the tiredness finally dawning on me. "Can I take a nap?" I asked no one in particular.

"Of course, hon, you don't have to ask," Jungkook said, carefully taking Yoonsoo out of my arms so I could sleep in whatever position I preferred at this point.

About 2 hours later I was carefully woken up by Taehyung. "Wake up baby," he said while pecking my cheek. Whining a little I opened my eyes. Jimin was holding the baby with a big grin on his face. A paper in his hand.

"It's mine," Jimins said gently. Yoonsoo being fast asleep in his arms. I smile nodding. Jimin looked so proud. I loved it. "Our little baby," he smiled pecking the baby's forehead.


Short chapter yes I know. But this book is coming to an end. I am not sure if I'll just be writing an epilogue or if there will be a few more chapters before the epilogue.

So for now I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think in the comments.

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