Chapter Thirty-Two - Feelings

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Chapter Thirty-Two - Feelings

Taehyungs pov

I felt like a zombie, especially at work, I didn't have my honey with me to make me smile. I know Jin tried to get me to smile, but I couldn't. We always worked together, I was at the right register and Y/n at the left register. When there's no costumer waiting I would lean against the counter staring at the left register.
I can still see her clearly in my mind, smiling sweetly as she held my hand during work. Taking the costumers order as I softly rubbed my thumb over her hand. We always held hands because she doesn't really like confrontation with people she doesn't know well enough, it makes her nervous and with me at her side she felt better, it helps her.

I didn't realize a tear rolled down my cheek till I suddenly felt a finger take it away. I blinked quickly standing up right to look at the person in front of me.

"Kookie," I mumble.

"It's okay, just a few more months," he says taking my hand. I hang my head nodding slowly.

"I know," I sigh, Jungkooks hand enters my vision as he lifts up my head by my chin. Leaning over the counter he pecks my lips.

"It's going to be okay you know, she'll be healthy, maybe we can even start heaving kids once she returns," he says with a sweet smile, a smile coming on my face.

"A baby Kookie," I giggle, he chuckles shaking his head cutely.

"Alright, come on your shift has ended," as if he heard me Jin came out to take over. He pet my shoulder, mentioning for me to go with a sweet smile.

Jungkook heads out the front door while I go out back and meet him in the car.

Jimins pov

Work was boring but the only thing to help me forget. I didn't like the image of Y/n in the hospital for 4 months. We didn't know what the treatment was, we don't know if it actually works and we don't know what is happening to her.

I let out a sigh at the important email I got and ruffle my hair a little. I take a look at my back ground to give myself the energy to continue.

"Just a few months," I mumble and continue focussing on the job at hand. Just as I'm about to reply to the email, another email is delivered to my inbox.

From: Min Yoongi

To: Park Jimin

Subject: Rest


I know it's hard for you to focus on work right, I don't mind if you need more breaks, he'll I wouldn't even mind if you took a few weeks off. We've got new interns who are smart enough to take over your job for the time being.

I know how stressful it may be, especially with Y/n in the hospital.

It's up to you what you do, but really don't be afraid to take a few weeks off just to get yourself back on track.


Jungkooks pov

"Hey, what's been going on in your life, you seem so down?" Jongin came over and leaned against the edge of my desk, placing down a cup of coffee for me while sipping on his.

I take the cup and lean back in my chair with a sigh.

"You remember my third mate right?"

"Yeah, the human girl right," he asks making me nod. "What did she do?"

"She didn't do anything, she's in the hospital," Jongins eyes widen.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Nothing for you to be sorry about," I mumble, staring at the picture frames on my desk. One held a picture of the four of us while three others were pictures of Jimin, Taehyung and Y/n separately. "She apparently had a tumor in her stomach. They have already removed it, but the spreading had already started. So, doctors were looking for a cure and we went to a human to vampire specialist in case there was no cure."

"There is a cure which I'm happy about, but now she's in the hospital for 4 months... And we're not allowed to visit her."

"What?" Jongin scrunched his face in confusion. "Why are you not allowed to visit, you're her mate, it doesn't make sense."

"It does tho. Us being mates is exactly the reason we're not allowed to visit. It's the side effects to the cure that could break the bond we have now. Not the mating bond, but you relationship bond we have now. She change severely and even tho it lasts just as long as the treatment lasts, they don't want to take any chances of breaking the relationship."

"So yeah, we're not allowed to see her for 4 months."

"Woah, I'm sorry," Jongin says. "I hope she's better soon."

"Me too, me too," I mumble.

Y/n's pov

I'm starting to realize I'm getting forgetful, I'm just happy I still remember my boys. A tiny smile forms on my lips. I miss them so much.

I think I'm starting to feel better, I'm not sure tho. But I'm not in pain, I'm just not hungry but I don't think it's too bad. I'm feeling fine.

I get up from the bed, grabbing the stand where my medicine hangs in a bag, which leads to the needle in my arm. Walking over to the window I stare outside at the park down below. It made ma happy to still feel somewhat free even though I was locked up in a hospital room. Seeing the kids play in the park, with their grandparents who were ill, playing like everything was alright.

"Y/n, it's time for lunch," Soomin says as she places the tray with food on my bedside table.

"I'm not hungry," I mutter.

"I know, but you have to eat. I brought pancakes for you. I hoped it would cheer you up a little."

"I don't need cheering up, I'm happy as it is in my own pity," I grumble glaring out the window. Turning around with crossed arms I glare at her.

"I know food is a difficult topic for you but don't you think your mates will be disappointing if you lose more weight than you already have?"

"My mates don't care about me, if they did they wouldn't have left me here alone!"

"They didn't leave you, they love you, they just want you to get better, you're sick-"

"No you guys just think I'm crazy which is why you're keeping me here and making me take this stupid medicine!"

"We don't think your crazy, intact your body is handling the treatment very well. You had a tumor Y/n, were trying to help you."

"Wait, so do you think I'll be healthy soon?" I ask calmly, walking over, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, you're doing really well. If your body keeps this up you'll be healthy in no time," she smiles. "Now, please eat, alright?" I nodded with a smile and took the tray, placing it on my lap. She gives me one last smile before leaving the room.


It's short I know, I'm sorry 😬

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