Chapter Nineteen - Stories

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Chapter Nineteen - stories

- a month later -

Y/n's pov

"You know you've never told me what your gift is," I mention as Jimin and I walk Soonshim, both Jungkook and Taehyung at work. "It's not that you have to tell me, but I like knowing what you can do. It makes me happy that you all have a gift," I start explaining why I would want to know.

I look up at him as he stayed silent for a few minutes.

"I didn't get any," he said a bit muffled by his cute mask that covered half of his face.

"But I've been told that everyone has a gift," I mumble not understanding how my perfect little Jiminie didn't get a gift. "Do... Do you know why you didn't get a gift?" I ask hesitant, not knowing whether or not it was a 'no go' topic.

"I don't know why, I guess it just never developed like all the others," he said softly still not looking my way.


"Yeah, every vampire's gift gets developed by what they do in life. Things that happen (often) can make their gift come out. Like Taehyung, he always had people look at him weird because his brother was a human and the rest of his family wasn't. His brother being human, caused both of them to be outcasts in high school. Taehyung had always wanted to know if there was more to his brother being human that caused him to be an outcast and the only way that would be possible was if he could read minds. That's how he got his," my attention was fully on him as he explained not looking at me but at Soonshim who was walking in front of us. I grab hold of his hand which was hidden in his pocket. "Jungkook was curious as a kid. He wanted to know about anything and everything. Since being small as a child he couldn't always hear everything people said he would try anything and make anything so that he could hear them from as far away as possible. Being this curious caused his gift to develop early on in his life, he was I think 11 when he got his gift whereas Tae got his when he was 17 which is the age most vampires get their gift."

"So nothing really happened that would spark up your gift?" I ask after he finished talking, he shook his head.

"My past was quite boring and uninteresting before I met Jungkook. When Jungkook came into my life I at first didn't want to accept it-" I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "I didn't think I was Bi at that time," he quickly explained and my eyebrow went back down. "It just happened so suddenly. When a vampire and his or her mates have all hit the age of 16 they start having dreams about their mates. We don't know what they look, we don't know what they sound like, we don't know what sex. The only thing we know is what each smells like. I hadn't slept the night before I met Jungkook but he had and it was probably your birthday at that time since you are the youngest of us. Anyway, he had dreamed of the four of us that night and the next morning when I was on my way to college Jungkook had found me and the first thing he did was pull me into his chest hugging me tightly because he had found one of his mates. But me not having slept that night I had no idea so I had rudely asked him 'what the fuck he thought he was doing'. He was so shocked that I had talked to him like that he took a few steps back and just stared at me with his big bunny eyes," a smile formed on my lips at the thought of his eyes. "and I guess he thought I didn't accept him as my mate because I wasn't gay, which I obviously thought I wasn't and he left without saying a word."

"Awh poor Kookie," I pouted slightly. Jimin chuckled lightly before he continued his story.

"So that night when I finally had time to sleep I dreamed of you three and I recognized the way Jungkook had smelled that day and compared it to the dream-"

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