Chapter Thirty-Eight - New Home

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Chapter Thirty-Eight - New Home

Y/n's pov

Even tho the Eommas wanted us to stay longer we left the next day after breakfast. I sat in the back with Jungkook this time, Taehyung and Jimin in the front.

"I'm sorry about our moms by the way," Jungkook spoke.

"It's alright, I get that they want nothing but the best for their kids. It just hurts," I tell him shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, I know but they should never tell someone to lose weight, just because for them they aren't perfect," I nod agreeing with him. Leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Do I need to text Yeona yet? About the whole donating thing?" I ask after a while of silence.

"Yeah, you can tell her no," Taehyung said. "I looked up some sperm donor centres and there are more than a few. So she probably really just wanted Jungkooks sperm to get his baby," I look over at him in shock before turning my attention to Jungkook who seemed just as shocked. "So yeah, I'll sent you a few links to sent to her," I nod, still speechless.

Quickly making a text I sent her the links and block her number instantly after it.

"I'm very happy you two came to Daegu now, I don't trust her what so ever now," I said after I put my phone back in my hand bag.

"Me too, if there was anyone I wanted away from Jungkook it was Yeona and she doesn't know where we live so we should be fine."

"With that said, we actually have a surprise," Jungkook says looking at Jimin in the mirror.

"You want to do that now?"

"Yeah, now seems like a good time," Jungkook says shrugging his shoulders, arm around my waist.

"Alright then," Jimin smiled.

I was so confused, we went passed our house and drove for about 20 minutes more arriving at a some what rich looking neighborhood.

"What is here?" Taehyung asks before I could.

"You'll see," Jungkook smirks. I look at him even more confused. Jimin parked the car in a driveway to a beautiful house. It was large but not too large, with a large garden around the whole house.

"Who lives here?" I ask once we're out of the car. Slowly walking up to the front door, Taehyung next to me excited, holding onto my hand.

"Someone very special to our hearts," Jimin said, walking past us to, what I thought was ring the bell, but he opened the door with a key.

"You can't just walk into someone's home," I said shocked, looking around to see if anyone saw. No one was out on the street luckily. Jungkook just chuckled and pushed us inside softly. Closing the door behind us, he went to stand besides Jimin in front of the stairs.

"Welcome, to our new home," they said in unison. My eyes widened, mouth open in shock.

"You're kidding," Taehyung said looking around in shock.

"Nope, with our cupcake on the way and more to come. We got this house and yeah it's still empty, all but one room," Jungkook said looking over at Jimin who smirked back at him.

"What room?" I asked.

"Cupcakes room," they both said before stepping away from the stairs. Taehyung and I looked at eachother and ran up the stairs.

We almost instantly found a door with 'Cupcake' painted on it beautifully. Opening the door slowly we found a beautiful unisex nursery for our cupcake.

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