Chapter Three - Judging

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Chapter Three - Judging

Y/n's pov

I sat in their living room awkwardly looking around. Yoongi was sat on the love seat while I sat on the three seater couch in front of the tv. I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for Eun-Ji to return from making us something to drink and calling for pizza.

"So, you're a blood whore?" Yoongi asked, catching my attention.

"Not with my consent, but I guess," I answer honestly, not looking at him, just staring at the floor while playing with my fingernails.

"Alright, the pizza is on its way!" Eun-Ji said as she came back, giving Yoongi his coffee while handing me my tea and sitting next to me. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," I said quickly and took a sip from my tea. I try to pull up my shirt higher as to cover the new bite mark from today.

"Yoongs," Eun-Ji said, sounding slightly stern. "Are you judging her?" I didn't look their way. I looked out the window seeing how it's starting to get darker outside, and seeing the streetlights switch on. "I see, well, then, you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight," I turn my head back to them hearing Eun-Ji huff before she turns to me and smiles. "Come on, let's work on our homework in the dining room," she says, taking my hand and bringing me to the dining room. She tells me to take a seat while she grabs our bags and brings the tea over.

After doing our homework in silence for a half hour I put down my pen and look at Eun-Ji. "I know he thinks I'm a blood whore by choice and that's probably the reason why you told him to sleep on the couch, but you don't have to do that," I tell her. She continues working seeming to ignore me. "I'm used to it by now, so he can judge me all he wants, as long as I know I'm not a blood whore by choice then everything is fine for me."

I let out a sigh as she doesn't respond to me and continue doing my homework.

"Yoongi thinking you are a blood whore at will is not the full reason I'm making him sleep on the couch," she says after a while but continues working. "It's the fact that he thinks you are different from me that caused him the couch."

"But your situation is different from mine," I try to defend Yoongi. He didn't deserve to sleep on the couch, especially if it's caused by me. I'm invading his privacy, his home, a complete stranger, he has every right to judge me.

"No it's not, Y/n!" she said sternly, scaring me just a little. "Sure for me, there were only three vampires, but you don't want this! You are, just like me, manipulated to say yes!"

"I-I know that," I mumble. "But that doesn't change the fact that I look like a blood whore."

"You can't change my mind, Y/n! He's sleeping on the couch and that's it!" she got up in anger as she heard the door bell. "You are late!" I heard her yell from the front door. She took the pizza's from the guy, threw Yoongi's pizza at him before walking over to me and opening ours. We ate and worked in silence after that.

When I was finished with my work and was done eating it was 9:30 so I asked Eun-Ji where I would be sleeping. She leads me to the guest bedroom, told me where the bathroom was and lent me some of her clothes for tomorrow.

"Good night, Y/n," she said with a soft smile.

"Good night, Eun-Ji," I said back. She closed the door and I got into the twin bed. My white skin nearly making me invisible against the white sheets. I hope dad doesn't murder me, tomorrow. I heard Eun-Ji yell at Yoongi downstairs which didn't help me one bit to get asleep. I hate that I caused them to fight. It's my fault Eun-Ji is yelling at him for judging me.

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