Chapter Six - Blood loss

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Chapter Six - Blood loss

Eun-Ji's pov

I was worried when Y/n didn't show up a week later and I was ready to demand Yoongi to bring me to her house but when I walked out of school I saw her struggle with her bike.

"Y/n!" I said and quickly went over to her. She turned around, nearly scaring me to death. "What happened to you!?" She looked so pale and tired.

"I'm fine, Eun-Ji," her voice is scratchy. "I just came to get my bike."

"No, Y/n, you look ill. What did that guy do to you?" I asked as I pulled her into my arms.

"He did it again," she mumbled into my chest. "And again... and again... and again."

"I am so sorry, Y/n," I stroke her back and held her close as I heard her sniffle, trying not to cry. "I don't care what you say, you are coming with me," I tell her. "Thank god I took the car this morning," I mumble as I slowly take her with me to the car. She was breathing hard once we got in the car. It sounded like she just ran a marathon which got me even more worried. I start the car and drive us home. Home, where she'll be safe.

"Eun-Ji," she starts off softly. "You don't have to do this," she takes a sharp breath before she continues. "I... already accepted my faith."

"No, Y/n, I do have to do this, with me you'll be safe. You'll be able to rest and get better," I tell her, parking the car in the driveway. I get out, go to her side and help her. I tell her to sit sideways, tell her to wrap her arms and legs around me before I pick her up. With difficulty I open the front door, closing it behind me I continue making my way upstairs. "Yoongi! I need my laptop!"

"Eun-Ji? Where are you going?" I hear him ask confused from the living room.

"Just grab it for me!" I answer back, walking over to the guest bedroom. I place her down on the bed, realising that she fell asleep. I let out a sigh and put her under the covers. "You'll be okay, I promise," I peck her forehead, leaving the room quietly. I walk back downstairs, seeing not only Yoongi but also the three guys from the hospital last week.

"Here," Yoongi says, handing me my laptop. "Why do you need it?"

"I need to research something?" I mumble still looking at the three guys. "Uhm, who are they?"

"Oh, right, uhm, those are Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook," Yoongi introduces them. "I told you about them before but-"

"You were at the hospital," I cut Yoongi off with the statement. I sit down on the two-seater couch, opening a new Chrome page to start my search.

"We were yes," Taehyung answered.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my gaze focused on my screen.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my gaze focused on my screen

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