Chapter Eighteen - Contact (M)

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Chapter Eighteen - Contact

Jungkook's pov

A/N: This chapter contains mature content. Read at your own risk. Warning it is very cringy

Just as I was about to put the pan on the stove I heard Y/n mumble to Jimin about me not having to cook. A smile instantly formed on my face.

When Jimin came home and found out she choose me next he seemed really sad, scared he had to wait another two weeks.

I turned off the fire and put the pan down. Taehyung seemed to hear it as he came into the kitchen with a questioning look. I just looked upstairs but him being Taehyung he didn't understand. I raise my eyebrow and watched the wheels turn in his head before it finally clicked.

"Oh!" he said and started giggling. He made his way to the stairs but I grabbed his waist.

"Let's leave them alone, yeah," I said and took him with me to the living room.

"I'm happy for him," Taehyung said as we sat on the couch. He was cuddled into me, my hand stroking his hair.

"Me too," I answer pecking his forehead.

"He seemed so sad, it really made me want to cuddle him and never let go," Taehyung had his very serious moments and his natural ones but I absolutely loved how he would get all mushy soft over us, turning slightly into a little kid. I stared at him lovingly, turning his head to me, placing my lips softly on his.

Taehyung didn't waste a second and kissed me back immediately, wrapping his arms around my neck pulling me down on top of him.

"Whatcha doing Tae?" I ask teasingly when I pull away getting a whine from him.

"Kookie!" he whined pulling hard on my neck but I didn't move.

"What's wrong Tae?" I ask again.

"I... I just," he looked away from me a blush on his lips. "Their thoughts are making me horny, how are you not horny hearing the voice from upstairs," he hid his head in my chest making me chuckle.

I grind my hips against him and a shocked gasp leaves his mouth. "Of course I'm hard Tae," I whisper in his ear, an even darker blush forming on his cheeks. "Are you gonna do something about it?" I ask softly pulling his head away from my chest so that I can look at his eyes. He nodded, blushing harder than before. He pushed me back into sitting position opening my jeans mentions for me to take them off as he took off his jeans and his underwear. Waiting for me to get done.

He climbed on my lap, wrapping his legs around me. He placed one hand on my shoulder as the other one moved between us, grabbing hold of our cocks. Starting to make soft strokes up and down, taking his hand away for a split second to wet his hand and placed it back fastening the strokes. Groans started to leave my lips for the second time that day.

I wrap my arms around his thin waist my right hand slipping down his back, a shudder going over his body because of it. He knew what I was gonna do and didn't stop me, with a smile on my lips I connected ours. While passionately kissing, he continued to jerk us off while I placed my pointy finger on his hole putting pressure on it which caused him to let out a muffled moan. I put pressure on it again keeping it there longer than before and pushing it in. Taehyung pulled away with a loud moan, his back arching into me. It had been a while since he bottomed but I know he loved it.

"Keep going," he muttered before bitting down on my shoulder where would have been more marks made by him of our skin wouldn't heal within seconds.

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