Chapter Forty-Two - I Do

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Chapter Forty-Two - I Do

Y/n's pov

We decided to wait with the wedding after our two cupcakes were born. They should be Jungkooks this time. Then the next one is going to be Taehyungs. I was now 9 months pregnant and we were basically waiting for the baby's to pop out. Yoonsoo was more than ready to see the twins. Them being a baby boy and a baby girl. Our baby boy is gonna be called Jeon Hyuntae and our baby girl is gonna be called Jeon Eunbi, named after Eun-Ji. Since she was there for me whenever I needed her. And I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.

Yoonsoo was already three when the twins were born. We took a test and the twins were indeed Jungkooks. Eunbi was surprisingly small while Hyuntae was normal sized for a new born baby. The doctors were concerned for her so they kept her in the ICU for a few days to do some tests.

She was well development and everything was working but the couldn't think of anything that might have cost her to be this small. So they took Hyuntae as well to see if there was anything with him that could have caused it.

Later on they return with both baby's a week and a half later, with an explanation.

"The reason why Eunbi is this small," the doctor started as two nursed handed Jungkook Hyuntae and Taehyung Eunbi. "Hyuntae is a vampire while Eunbi isn't. Because of this durning the pregnancy Hyuntae was not only drinking from you," he said mentioning to me. "But also from Eunbi. With both of them still developing at their own pace Eunbi didn't have time to grow much bigger before it was time to be born for them," we were shocked but very happy they were okay. So during their first year we paid extra attention to Eunbi to make sure she was growing normally.

While taking care of them we also planned our wedding while Jungkook and Jimin focused on the honeymoon, Taehyung and I spent out time on the actual wedding. Picking out a wedding venue with our wedding planner. Making cards. Picking out food and drinks. Designing the wedding cake.

I took about half a year for everything to be planned and the wedding day was picked.

We were gonna marry on the 15th of August in the middle of summer. It was an indoor/outdoor wedding.

I stood in my dressing room with my wedding dress still on the hanger. Waiting on Eun-Ji to help me with my dress.

While I was waiting Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were getting dressed in their dressing room. We hadn't seen each other the day before, I stayed with Eun-Ji the day. The boys watched the children before they got picked up by Jungkook and Jimins parents. They would take them to the venue. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung having to be there at exactly 12. While I was here at 11:30 to avoid seeing each other arrive.

"Knock knock," Eun-Ji said as she knocked, opening the door just enough to poke her head in. She smiled at me before walking in and closing the door behind her. "Are you ready to put the dress on?" She was grinning already walking over to the dress.

"I guess so," I mumble. Eun-Ji chuckled at my nervousness and helped me into the dress.

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