Chapter Twenty-Four - Shy

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Chapter Twenty-Four - Shy

Y/n's pov

After our talk we cuddled some more on the bed, stealing kisses every now and then. Just enjoying each other's embrace and company.

We stayed like that for a few hours, we might even have had a small nap as I jumped awake at a sudden moan from the room next door. I sat straight up thinking it was something else but as it happened again a blush started to rise on my cheeks, guessing it was Jin and Namjoon.

"Tae~," I whispered shaking him softly, trying to wake him up. "Tae~!" I whisper again, this time a bit louder. He finally flutters his eyes open ready to ask me why I woke him up but then he hears a moan. He chuckles softly behind his hand sitting up.

He crawls off the bed putting on his shoes before helping me with mine and signalling to be quiet as we creep out of the room, out the apartment and head out to the car.

"I don't think I can face Jin now," I tell Taehyung slightly laughing as we are both sitting in the car. Taehyung chuckled and started the car, driving home. I let out a content sigh at the thought of home and smile in Taehyungs direction, which he doesn't notice as he is concentrated on the road. "Will you cuddle with me when we get home?"

"Of course I will," Taehyung smiles leaning over once at a stop sign and pecking my cheek. I smile brightly as we reach home and he parks the car. We get out holding hands, noticing Jimin and Jungkook in the living room. Taehyung mentions to me to be quite as we walk inside and he picks me up so there is no second pair of footsteps as he walks.

"Tae?" we hear Jimin. "Where have you been?"

"At the bakery, but I'm tired, so I'm going to bed," not waiting for a reply he heads upstairs to our bedroom. He puts me down on the bed first before closing the door and walking back over to me where he kisses me hard on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as he takes off my shoes and his own, all that while pouring his feelings into the kiss. I can't help but grin as he does so. Pulling me up to lay in the middle of the bed he hovers over me for a bit still kissing me before laying down beside me pulling me into his embrace, hiding his face in my neck. I giggle wrapping my arms from around his neck to around his middle as tight as I possibly could not wanting to let go.

"I love you," Taehyung whispers, pecking my neck afterwards, his hand rubbing up and down my side.

"I love you too," I mumble in his hair. Trying to nuzzle even closer. I suddenly feel radiating panic over our bond making me sit up straight as he stares wide-eyed at my tummy. Me not being the only one who felt it, both Jimin and Jungkook came running upstairs.

"What happened?" Jungkook asks as soon as he opens the door.

"I don't know," I tell, looking down at Taehyung, not sure what to do.

"Tae?" Jimin asked softly.

"How are you not pregnant!" Taehyung suddenly yells after a few seconds of silence. I jump slightly not expecting him to yell, quite literally falling onto Jimin.

"Now that you mention it," Jungkook mumbles. "How are you not pregnant, neither of us wore a condom."

"I let out a sigh, my dad made me take an IUD when I was 16, which means I can't get pregnant for 5 years," I explain to them. "Which reminds me, I need to get it removed soon," I mumble grabbing my phone from my pocket looking in my email to for the information.

"Really?" Taehyung mumbled coming closer to me again. I nod and a smile formed on his face as he dove forward hugging my tummy. "I got so scared," his voice muffled by my t-shirt. "I thought we couldn't have kids," he whispered which made it hard for me to understand him. A dark blush appears on my face at the thought of having kids with these godlike men.

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