Chapter Ten - Bakery

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Chapter Ten - Bakery

Y/n's pov

I was so happy! I could have clean untouched skin again! I knew I had to wait quite a while since Eun-Ji and I counted how many bite marks I had the day after we found out. Sure I knew I had a lot but I didn't know I actually had 247 bite marks total. But as we were thinking about how to keep track of it in an easy way. Yoongi asked if I had a phone.

I did... but that one is still with my dad...

And Eun-Ji being Eun-Ji forbid me from going there to get it, so she suggested we buy a new one. Problem is, I don't have any money. My dad paid for school, my phone, and the very little food he gave me... so I was broke. And again Eun-Ji being Eun-Ji she offered to buy me one, I called her nuts, she called me a bitch and in the end, we decided to find a job together because she still didn't want me out in the open without supervision. And Yoongi sat there laughing his ass off at us.


Y/n's pov

So here we are in front of a bakery. Eun-Ji arranged the job interviews for us so I have no idea what to expect. Even if I arranged it myself, I wouldn't know. Job hunting was not something on my daily schedule with my dad and Jae-Hyun at home.

"Do you know who owns the bakery?" I ask Eun-Ji while we wait with a cup of tea. The nerves were actually killing me, my hands shook so bad it was hard for me to even drink my tea.

"I do, my brother and his mate own it," she answered with a smile and took a sip from her tea. She honestly didn't look nervous at all! It could, of course, be because it's her brother, but still. He can still reject her as an employee.

"Are you sure he's going to let me work here?" I mumble, looking down at my cup, slowly moving the spoon in circles.

"Of course why wouldn't he?" she says enthusiastically. I look at with a face that says 'Are you kidding me' and 'It's obvious why he wouldn't!'. "If he doesn't he'll get something else shoved up his ass," I nearly choke on my drink since I started to take a sip while she said that. Of course. she was laughing, nearly folded into two. "Don't worry so much, we'll be fine," she said after she calmed down.

"I've totally lost my appetite for tea, or anything else," I mumbled shoving my tea away from me. Eun-Ji laughed at me shaking her head. "But Eun-Ji, you are the one who's going to be fine," I go back to our original topic. "There is a 99% chance that I am going to be rejected."

"Like I said, I'll shove something else up his asshole if he doesn't hire us."

"You really need to stop talking about your brothers' butt hole," I said trying to hide my chuckle.

"What about my butt hole," our chuckling instantly stopped when a guy came in.

"What about my butt hole," our chuckling instantly stopped when a guy came in

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