Chapter Twenty-Two - Guilt

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Chapter Twenty-Two - Guilt

Y/n's pov

"No Tae, we can't take Seul-Gi with us."

"Awh, but he's so cute," Taehyung pouts looking at the cat.

 "Come on, Tae, let's bring him back to his owners," with a pout on his face Taehyung nods. Jimin carries my bag with the very little items that I owned in it, including my old phone, and we walk back downstairs to find Jae-Hyun gone, luckily. I walk over to the neighbours with Taehyung and ring the bell.

I hear a soft old ladies voice saying 'I'm coming' and footsteps heading towards the door before it's opened by an old lady. "Oh, Y/n, you've grown so much," she says moving forward to squeeze my cheeks. "I'm sorry dear, I know you probably don't know who I am, what are you here for? Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

"Thank you for the offer but we're actually here to return your cat," I tell her mentioning to Seul-Gi. "He used to come by every now and then but I haven't been there for about a 6 months now and I found him on my bed."

"I see," she says turning towards the cat who is petting Taehyung's cheek instead of him petting the cat. "I see he's very fond of you two, are you perhaps mates?"

"We are, including those two over there," I said moving slightly out of the way so she could see Jimin and Jungkook waiting by the car, who waved at her.

"They are treating you well, I hope?" 

"Yes, they are," I smile giving Taehyung a loving stare, who smiles at me the same way.

"How about you keep him," I turn to her, shocked. "I'm getting older and it's hard to take care of Seul-Gi."

"A-are you sure?" I ask her a bit concerned about not only Seul-Gi but the old lady too.

"Yes, I know he'll be in good hands," she smiles. "Come on, on you go, I trust you with him. Have a good life ahead of you, okay?" I nod, and Taehyung squeals turning around after saying thank you and goodbye to her and goes to the car, Seul-Gi still in his arms. I nod to her and go back to the car as well, where Taehyung is booping Seul-Gi's forehead with Jimins and Jungkooks, still giggling. Cute little TaeTae. My thought instantly makes him stop giggling and he tells us to get in the car so we can go home. I look over to Jimin with a sad look and he lets out a sigh probably knowing what happened. I do the same and get in the car with Jimin in the back, leaning against him.

When we got back home, Taehyung went straight upstairs with Seul-Gi. My whole mind filled with sadness.

"Have I done something?" I ask Jimin as he cuddles me on the couch when Jungkook went after Taehyung.

"No, you haven't," he says stroking his hand through my hair. "I'm sure it's just a coincidence, okay?" I nod softly against his chest looking around the living room with my eyes.

"I'm just gonna walk with Soonshim," I mumble after a few minutes, standing up from the couch, walking over to her. "Come on baby girl, let's go for a walk!" I tell her with fake excitement. She gets up immediately and heads for the hallway where her leash hangs on the wall. I can hear Jimin sigh, but I know he knows I need this when I feel guilty.

I quickly leash up Soonshim and head out the door. Soonshim runs out, pulling me along with her to the park until she noticed I wasn't as excited as she was to go out. She stops walking, turning to look at me and waiting till I was next to her and walked slowly with me.

At the park, I let her off her leash in sit down on the grass. I was her run around for a short while till she's done with her duties and she sits down with me, laying her head on my lap. She looks up at me with worry which makes me smile a little.

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