Chapter Forty-Three Honeymoon pt 1

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Chapter Forty-Three - Honeymoon pt 1

Y/n's pov

We stayed at the party for a few hours before we had to leave. Our plane leaving at 01:00 in the morning to who knows where.

"So, where are we going?" I ask as we step into the taxi. I had changed my wedding dress for a more casual one after our first dances, to be able to dance more properly. Not that I was a good dancer or anything.

After having changed I had a dance with Won-ho and a dance with Hyuk while the boys danced with the moms. I also had a laughable dance with Baekhyun. And a loving smile on my face when I saw Taehyung and Baekhyun dance.

"You'll see once we're at the airport," Jimin says with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes a little with a smile on my face. I let it slide and cuddle into him.

"I still can't believe we're married now," I mumble with my eyes closed as my head leans against his shoulder.

"I can't believe I'm a Jeon now," Jimin says making us all chuckle. Dominant fucks.

Soon enough we reach the airport. We walk through the security without problems, putting our large suitcases on the band. After our baggage gets checked we head to our gate which was surprisingly empty.

"Okay, I know it's almost one in the morning but I did not expect no one to be here," Taehyung voiced my thoughts. Jimin just smirked dragging me with him. I turn my head to look at Taehyung and Jungkook to see Jungkook doing the same.

"You guys are acting so secretive," I mumble but follow along side Jimin. Knowing it wasn't going to be something bad. It was most likely just a surprise.

"Ah, the newly weds have arrived," a man in a pilot suit said with a huge grin.

"Good morning James," Jungkook spoke with a smile. I raised my eyebrow and looked over at Taehyung who looked just as confused.

"Good morning, if you would follow me please," he said opening a door to the outside. A sleek black car stood there waiting for us. Reluctantly I got in feeling a bit more scared, especially with the tinted windows and it being pitch black outside.

"Uhm... Where are we going?" I asked softly.

"To the private Jet of course," James said as he started to drive off. I looked at Jungkook and Jimin with wide eyes.

"Only the best for our mates," he and Jimin said in sync with a smirk on their faces.

"Are you joking?" Taehyung asked in shock. We knew they both earned a lot but we didn't like showing off that much so in reality we had no idea how much they had saved up together.

"Nope, not at all," Jungkook said with a gentle smile this time.

The car came to a halt. The four of us got out one by one, James already standing at the stairs into the jet. He handed the keys to a worker from the airport, most likely to bring the car back.

"Alright, if you would follow me I'll give you a small tour of the jet," his grin as bright as ever it almost annoyed me but at the same time it gave me more enthousiasm for our honeymoon. Walking up the small set of stairs we enter the jet. The worker right behind us with our hand luggage.

It was so beautiful inside I couldn't help but gape at everything. I sat myself down in one of the chairs, them being the seats we had to sit in for take off as James had explained. Once we all sat down the co pilot came and introduced himself as Jisoo. He said a stewardess would be here soon to ask if we would like anything to drink or eat. He gave us a menu before hand. Then returning to the cockpit.

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