Chapter Fourteen - Revealing

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Chapter Fourteen - Revealing

Jungkook's pov

It was Friday which meant grocery shopping day. But this will also be the day we are going to tell Y/n that she's our mate. Which makes this day quite frightening but from what I heard from Yoongi we shouldn't be afraid whether or not she'll accept.

Right now, Y/n is with Jimin on their regular walks through the park with Soonshim and Holly. But I do think he will be home soon and then it's my turn. Before Y/n and Jimin went to the park Taehyung and Y/n had their morning shift at the bakery. Because of that, it's all up to me to get her at our home. We have a plan, we just have to hope that she says yes, to eating dinner at my house, aka our house.


Y/n's pov

"Thanks for walking me home, Jiminie," I smile as he walks me up to the front door. Holly sitting patiently in front of the door, Soonshim sniffing Holly every now and then.

"I just want to make sure you're safe, even though it's broad daylight," I giggle at his words and give a quick peck on his plump lips.

"Thank you for that," I say softly. "See you tomorrow, okay?" he nods shortly and pecks my cheek, creating a dark blush on both my cheeks. He mumbles a bye before he walks away as I open the door and walk into the house.

Not long after I changed my clothes, having felt sweaty from the walk, (and run in some cases, like Soonshim running off) the doorbell rang. Putting my shoes back on and grabbing my bag which held my wallet and other necessities I open the door and there stood Jungkook.

"Hi kookie," I smile. He smiles too, pulling me in for a hug and pecking my cheek. With that, we get into his car and drive to the grocery store. And take our usual route through the aisles, while holding hands. Him picking stuff off the top shelf as always. 

"What would you like to eat, tonight?" he asks me suddenly as I grab a bag of potatoes and put it in the cart. 

"Tonight?" I ask confused.

"Yes, do you want to eat dinner with me, tonight? Only if you want, of course, you don't have to say yes? But I would really like it if you-" I cut him off by placing a quick peck on his lips.

"Okay, I'll come," I tell him when I pull away and continue our route grabbing things from the shelves and putting them in the cart. With a somewhat amazed Jungkook walking behind me for about a minute before he snaps out of it and smiles again, grabbing hold of my hand. I smile back at him and give his hand a squeeze.


Jungkook's pov

While Y/n went to her room to change her clothes real quick, I put all the groceries away for her. Already knowing where everything is supposed to go. When I finished I sent a quick text to Jimin and Taehyung as I heard Y/n walking back downstairs.

 When I finished I sent a quick text to Jimin and Taehyung as I heard Y/n walking back downstairs

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