Chapter Eight - Top Shelf

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Chapter Eight - Top Shelf

Y/n's pov

I was exhausted when I reached the guest bedroom, but I just had to leave the living room. I sit down on the bed catching my breath.

"Y/n?" Eun-Ji asks when she walks in. She walks over to me, sitting down beside me stroking my back waiting for me to catch my breath. "Don't run like that, okay? I don't want you to pass out again," she says in a soft worried tone of voice. I nod and lean on her shoulder. Eun-Ji wraps her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I really needed this.

"Thank you."

"And stop thanking me," Eun-Ji chuckles and gets further on the bed, pulling me with her. "Come on, you need to rest," I nod and get under the covers. Eun-Ji gets under the covers too, pulling me into her arms. "I won't let anyone hurt you again," she murmurs into my hair before pecking my head and a comfortable silence takes over. I let out a breath before I let sleep take over.


It took about 6 weeks for me to recover from the blood loss. Slowly but surely it got better between Yoongi and me. He finally got to sleep in the bedroom again, his reaction was priceless.

"Yoongi," Eun-Ji had started off with a stern voice. He set up once he heard her voice probably thinking he did something to upset her again.

"Yes?" he asked hesitantly.

"You are free to come back in the bedroom again," she smiled at him. A big gummy smile formed on his face and he raced to her, picking her up bridal style. Eun-Ji and I giggled at his reaction. He pecked Eun-Ji's lips before he ran upstairs, even though Eun-Ji protested. Saying things like 'Y/n can't be left alone, Yoongi' and 'We are not doing it with Y/n in the house!' while Yoongi said 'She's fine, right Y/n?'.

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine, go have fun," I answered chuckling before I went to the kitchen. I heard Eun-Ji scream my name as if I had betrayed her but I ignored her. I decided to make dinner since I haven't done that and I practically live here now so, it would only be fair right? Opening the fridge I let out a sigh.

"Right... It's Friday," I mumble closing the nearly empty fridge. "Oh, well, I'll just go grocery shopping," I find a pen and a piece of paper and write on it.

Eun-Ji & Yoongi,

The fridge is empty so I went to buy groceries.
Don't even think about worrying about me

un-Ji! I'll be fine!
I'll be back in a bit and I'm going to make
us dinner, don't even fight it!

xx Y/n

I put it on the fridge hoping they would see it once they were done. I smirked lightly at the thought and left the house. Luckily there was a grocery store nearby so I could walk to it. Not that I could drive, but oh well. Going outside after six weeks felt great. Yes, Eun-Ji didn't let me leave the house in the six weeks that I had been recovering. The sunlight on my pale skin felt great. Of course, I was still cautious about my surroundings. I didn't want to run into Jae-Hyun or my dad. There was of course only a slight chance that they would be in this neighbourhood but still. Knowing Jae-Hyun, he would still be looking for me. I mean he's been around long enough to know I don't die easily from blood loss... sadly.

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