Chapter Twenty - Mom

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Chapter Twenty - Mom

Y/n pov

"I need to go home," I tell Eun-Ji when we eat dinner together, Yoongi had to stay till late at the company.

"What do you mean?" Eun-Ji asks not getting what I meant with home.

"I still have personal stuff at my dad's that I need to get."

"Like what?" She asks quickly following. "You can't go back there, what if your dad does something to you!?"

"Eun-Ji, I still have pictures of my mom there that I don't wanna leave, I need my picture with her it's the only thing I have left of her. Besides what about my diary, or my laptop, my phone even."

"But I can't let you go alone, how about you take Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung with you," Eun-Ji suggests.

"I can ask but I don't want to be a bother to them," I mumble playing with my leftover food.

"I can tell you already that they don't find you a bother," Eun-Ji says. "They love you so much they would do anything for you," I blush slightly at her words knowing that it's true. "You're going to them tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, after Taehyung and I's shift at the bakery," I tell her nodding my head.

"Then ask them then if they want to come with you," she reasons. "I'm sure they'll say yes, okay?"


Taehyungs pov

Parking the car in front of Yoongi's house, I get out walking to the door. Eun-Ji opens it before I get there and smiles letting me inside.

"Where's Y/n?" I ask looking around for any sign of her.

"She's upstairs packing her bag for tonight, you can go upstairs if you want, you know where her room is," Eun-Ji explains pointing up the stairs. I nod thanking her and walking up the stairs to Y/n her room.

I open the door softly not wanting to startle her and see her placing a few items in her bag humming a song. I smile at her, my eyes not leaving her as she continues packing. I lean against the door post my smile not leaving my face.

As the song she hummed came to a part I knew I decided to let her know I was here by singing.

"I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you," I sang making her jump a little before blushing. I chuckle moving towards her and wrapping my arms around her. "Why are you blushing?"

"Because you scared me," she mumbles turning around in my hold, wrapping her arms around my middle, face in my chest. Cutie. "I heard that," she says in a somewhat grumpy voice.

"Are you done packing because our shift starts soon," I let her go much to both of our dismay.

"Yeah, let's go," she says grabbing her bag and going downstairs. We say bye to Eun-Ji and get in the car to the bakery. We held hands the whole way only letting go when needed, I was singing along with the radio and I heard Y/n mumble along with it. Maybe she was shy about her voice or something. I mean I've never heard it so I don't know whether it's good or not but from what I can hear from her mumbling it's not that bad and it brings a smile to my face.

It didn't take long to get there so I park the car in the parking lot behind the bakery. We get out and walk in through the back door, greeting Jin hyung and heading towards the changing room. We change and start our day.

"Jin hyung?" I call him over from the back when it's not too busy at the counter and wait for him to stand next to me. "Is it just me or does Y/n seem a little off today?"

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