What happened to us? (Daisy x reader)

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Summary: *set in between seasons 2 and 3*  Things had been different between you and Daisy after everything that happened with the Afterlife so you decide to take a break from your relationship.

Ever since the war with the inhumans Daisy had grown distant. You couldn't blame her though. She had been to hell and back between becoming an inhuman herself, everything that happened with her parents and now Jemma's disappearance while May is nowhere to be found.

Your little disagreements that usually ended within a few minutes were turning into full blown fights and neither of you could handle it anymore.

"What happened to us Daisy?" You asked in the middle of a fight.

"Y/N, I think we should take a break, we could both benefit from taking a step back for a bit. Figure things out on our own."

"If thats what you want," you agreed reluctantly and walked away.


*Two months later*

Daisy had been concentrating on learning to control her powers and you had been with Fitz trying to get Simmons back. You were both miserable at first but it had been good for you two to spend some time apart. 

During her break from training Daisy had come to see you in the lab.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"Fitz is still a mess and we aren't making any progress. We have no idea what the hell the monolith does or how it works. Who knows what happened to Simmons or if she's even still alive," you sighed and Daisy could tell you beyond stressed out.

"You guys will figure it out. I know you will," she replied back with a smile.

"Yeah, hopefully. What about you and Mack, you guys figure out what started the outbreak?"

"Bobbi created a simulation and we think that when the crystals were dropped into the ocean the terragen infected the ecosystem, we suspect its being spread through those fish oil pills. It doesn't appear to affect regular people, only those with the inhuman gene marker."

"Thats good, well not good that people are being infected but good that you guys can get the fish oil pills recalled before more inhumans take them and that it's not doing anything to other people," you rambled out awkwardly.

After a few moments of silence Daisy finally spoke again, "Lets not beat around the bush anymore. I miss you Y/N."

"I've missed you too Daisy, but are we ready to give this another shot? I love you but we can't go back to fighting all the time. Talk to me. I want to help you deal with all this but I can't do that if you don't let me in."

Suddenly Daisy kissed you and for the first time in a long time you felt at ease. Like everything was going to be okay.

"Do you want to go get drinks somewhere and just talk? Like we used to," she asked.

"I'd like that"

This time you were the one who kissed her.

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