Shut up and kiss me (Daisy x reader)

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Request summary: Daisy getting jealous because you have to pretend to date someone for a mission

a/n: I made it a x fem reader because it flowed better with the fic

Daisy Johnson does not get jealous easily.

But when she heard that you and James, a new agent who had been constantly flirting with you, were going to have to go undercover as a couple at a prestigious charity event secretly being run by Hydra, she was less then thrilled.

"Daisy, it's one night. we just have to get some intel and we're out of there," you tried to reassure her as you were zipping up your dress in the hotel room you had booked to get ready in.

"I know Y/N, but I don't like the idea of that guy having his hands all over you," she said standing behind you putting your necklace on.

You turned around to put your arms around her neck and leaned in to kiss her, "don't worry, if he gets too handsy I'll just ice him when the mission's over."

"That's my girl," she laughed, "you look beautiful Y/N,"

You couldn't help but blush so you kissed her one last time, "thank you, I better get going, James is probably ready to go."


Daisy, Mack and Coulson had been camping out in a van behind the venue in case things went bad.

Daisy had hacked her way into the security cameras and they were listening in on your's and James' mics.

As expected James was getting a little too close for comfort. Taking every opportunity he got to slide his hand a little lower down your back every time you two were in a conversation with the other guests.

You tried to subtly scoot away from him for both yours and Daisy's sakes knowing she could see what was happening.

"Doesn't that guy know how to keep his hands to himself," Daisy muttered to herself.

"Are you jealous Tremors?" Mack joked.

"No, I just don't like him touching my girlfriend."

As the night went on you and James were able to get the intel on Hydra that you needed and were finally able to leave the party.

It was late so Coulson figured you should all get some rest in the hotel rooms you had already paid for before returning to the base in the morning.

As soon as you shut the door to yours and Daisy's hotel room she pushed you up against it and kissed you.

After a few minutes you pulled away, "wow, someone's a little jealous," you said with a smirk

"Shut up and kiss me," she said dragging you to the bed.

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