We're not kids anymore (Daisy x fem reader)

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Request Summary: You're Daisy's younger sister and you get hurt in the field by Hive

Shield's number one priority was stopping Hive.

You and your team had tracked him down to an abandoned warehouse downtown.

At this point Shield was not aware just how strong Hive really was.

He had killed your entire team before you even knew what was happening.

What was left of Grant Ward kept you alive because of what you meant to Daisy, but Hive, he only left you alive as a taunt to Shield.

A rescue team had brought you back to the base and you were lying in the infirmary recovering from your mission.

"I never should have let you go on that mission. I never should have let you join Shield in the first place," Daisy said as she frantically paced around the infirmary.

"Daisy. I'm alive and I can take care of myself," you told her trying to sound convincing despite your current situation.

"No, you aren't going on anymore missions involving Hive. I'm not losing you Y/N."

"Look Daisy, I know you're only trying to look after me but we aren't kids anymore, you don't have to be so overprotective all the time."

Daisy took a seat next to your bed finally calming down, "I'm sorry if I'm being overprotective but you're the only family I have. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"It's alright Daisy, right now all that matters is taking down Hive and getting justice for my team."

"You're right. You stay here and rest, I'm going to go to the lab and help Fitzsimmons figure out how Hive's powers work. Then we are gonna go kill that son of a bitch who hurt my sister."

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