Mystery girl (Daisy x reader)

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Request summary: The team noticing hickies on the readers neck and daisy being proud

The team knew you had started seeing someone, they just didn't know it was Daisy.

One day you walked into the briefing room after a long night alone with Daisy, not being able to hide all the hickies on your neck that she had given you.

Mack was the first to notice.

"Woah Y/N, looks like somebody had fun with their new mystery girl last night," he teased you.

"You could say that," you grinned.

"So when do we get to meet this girl, or maybe even learn her name," Jemma joined in.

Daisy was trying to stop herself from smiling but had no such luck.

"What's so funny Tremors?" Mack asked her.

"We can talk about Y/N's love life later, right now we have a mission to take care of," Coulson said.

May was the only one picking up on why Daisy was so smug at the moment and completely ignored Coulson to join in on the rest of the teams teasing, "I'm sure Daisy knows where those hickies came from."

"Why would Daisy know?" Fitz asked completely oblivious.

Mack was not however, "wait a second, Y/N, your mystery girl is Tremors?" he asked holding back a laugh.

Daisy walked up to you and put her arm around you proudly, "surprise."

"Daisy! Y/N! How could you not tell me!" Jemma asked shocked.

"We were waiting for the right time," you told her.

"Okay now that that's settled can we get back to the task at hand please," Coulson asked trying to get the team back on track.

"Sorry Coulson," you apologized.

You looked at Daisy and she kissed you on the cheek.

Before she pulled away fully she whispered in your ear, "my marks look really good on you by the way."

You couldn't help yourself from blushing and everyone noticed

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